What do you think? Second Grow

OK, here we go, what does everyone think of my second grow. The first one didn't go so good (spider mites), but this time around. Everything seems to be on par.

The only issue i have is that the one plant marked Northern Lights #2 seems to be showing signs of Calcium Deficiency (see photos) but i don't get it, because it has been getting the same water and nutes as the other 3 and they don't seem to be showing any signs of problems. I use Green Planet Nutrients as well as their version of Cal-Mag. The pictures attached are of Week 7 (i'm in week 3 of flower currently).

Is there anything else i can do to help them produce some nice big buds? Does anybody see anything i'm doing wrong. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Growing conditions are 3x3 tent with a Phlizon 1000W LED (245 True Watts) and a 100W Quantum Board.



You have lots of "sucker branches" that actually waste energy from the plant. By removing those useless sticks You are freeing energy for Main colas resulting into bigger, denser buds.
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