• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

what do you think will happen in 2012?


Well-Known Member
it could be all wrong.. i hope so for humanity's sake.. but you have the mayans, the i ching, merlin, the web bot program, all predicting something bad in 2012.. never hurts to be prepared

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
The mayans calendar was really accurate---more so than the crap we have. You've convinced me. I'm going to start canning my food and buying ammunition :)


Well-Known Member
I still have canned food and bullets left from the last end of the world.
I just want to be sure i have a decent joint. That would suck to be out of smoke and 1 day to live.


New Member
now im firm believer in the bullshit theory.

That is...2012 theories are all bullshit..

thats me. but that aint the point.

the point is..Kansas City Shuffle.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
when I was a kid everyone was freaked out about this big earthquake that was supposed to happen---so my mom went and bought two huge trash cans and filled them up with supplies, but we didn't have anywhere to put them so we left them out on the car port. We forgot to put out the trash out one day and this super nice garbage man took some initiative and went and got the trash can himself :)


New Member

the media, and those involved with "spreading the word of the end" are all in ka-hootz.


we're in a depression no? its another way to say buy my wares...

Its a blindfold kick back type of a game
Callled the Kansas City Shuffle
Whereas you look left and they fall right
Into the Kansas City Shuffle
Its a they-think you-think you don't know
Type of Kansas City hustle
Where you take your time
Wait your turn
And hang them up, and out to dry


Well-Known Member
what evidence do you have that all 2012 theory's are bullshit? and how many end of the world predictions do you know of that stem back thousands of years from multiple civilizations that didnt have global communication?


New Member
what evidence do you have that all 2012 theory's are bullshit? and how many end of the world predictions do you know of that stem back thousands of years from multiple civilizations that didnt have global communication?
what evidence do you have that they aren't?

what questions could you ask me that i couldnt ask right back?

see the above...this is about consumerism, you preach the end, someone else sees "stock up" the economy starts it way back up to "booming".

here's my evidence...
the numerous times this has happend through out history.
starting with chicken little.
ending with me and you smoking a joint 1/1/2013. :peace:

edit:honestly though, can you contest the validity of mans oldest con? Look over there whilst i do something over here.

it doesnt get much simpler than this.
2012 aka y2k part 2 is all just a big marketing scheme, washed rinsed and re-used...its not like they even tried hard this time...or waited long to re-use it...


Well-Known Member
what evidence do you have that they aren't?

what questions could you ask me that i couldnt ask right back?

see the above...this is about consumerism, you preach the end, someone else sees "stock up" the economy starts it way back up to "booming".

here's my evidence...
the numerous times this has happend through out history.
starting with chicken little.
ending with me and you smoking a joint 1/1/2013. :peace:

edit:honestly though, can you contest the validity of mans oldest con? Look over there whilst i do something over here.

it doesnt get much simpler than this.
2012 aka y2k part 2 is all just a big marketing scheme, washed rinsed and re-used...its not like they even tried hard this time...or waited long to re-use it...

Dude were talking about the end of the world, noone said to go get supplies or anything, and if it is the end you'll fuckin know it soon. Non believers man, you need to study your history, Im sick of fuckin ignorant people that know nothing of their roots claiming the old prophecies are blasphemy


Well-Known Member
lebowski: i disagree with your theory about scaring people to stimulate the economy... this 2012 thing has been around even when the economy wasnt shit.


New Member
The world can not keep going on as it is today. The planet itself is sick of us and wants to kill us and I can't say that I blame it. Something is going to happen, whether it be disease, natural disasters, maybe we'll be sucked into that black hole at the center of the milky way.

The ancient peoples scattered all over the globe had to have the same idea as each other for some reason. I doubt they got together and discussed it. I believe that back in those ancient times, the tribal shaman was a very powerful being. I can believe it.

I think no matter what happens, there will be survivors scattered around. The best thing to do is stock up on food and supplies, that way if you do live, you won't starve.


Well-Known Member
as far as proof, nobody has the proof that will convince everyone, because that will not be visible until probably a year or so before it supposedly gets here.

the reason i believe in it?

the sumerian tablets and texts, with their knowledge of the solar system long before any telescope. they believed that the earth and planets were round thousands of years before modern scientists started to believe the same thing.

if you look back at ancient religions they all have similarites. back in the day religions had a connection with their gods. the gods were of this planet, not invisible beings with a bad temper. people could openly communicate with their gods, and there were tales of gods who crossed with humans.

every religion across the globe had these kinds of beliefs and stories, along with advanced knowledge of celestial bodies long before it was supposedly discovered by modern man. also the fact that modern day religions seem to compress ancient wisdom from past polytheistic religions into modern monotheistic religions.

for example, the sumerians, the greeks, and the egyptians all told stories of men who were sons of gods. they were huge men, from 15 to 30 feet tall, and not only are depicted in writings but also in hieroglyphs and tablets.
then when you look in genesis in the bible it talks about men of renown, giants who lived among earth and took the daughters of men to be their wives..
the bible is riddled with similarities just like this.

as far as modern times, one of the main things that sticks out to me is the fact that the government loves to cover shit up for the "good" of the people and themselves.
if you look back in papers such as the washington post and new york times in 82 and 83, you can find articles about scientists discovering huge celestial bodies billions of miles from earth that cannot be seen because they do not emit light and are in deep space.the only way they could see it is because of the new technology IRAS which is an infrared sattelite. they determined that it was 3-8 times the size of earth, and covered in a cloud of space dust.
then you look at a nasa press release in 1992 (which mysteriously has dissappeared from NASA online archives, but stilll hoveres around the net) where they talked about the increasing irregularities in the orbits of neptune and uranas, and they believed that something was beginning to cause more and more disturbances in their orbits, which suggested that it was possible for something large to be moving closer.

after that you never hear about anything else, and even in feb of 2008 researchers in japan found a planet x which is supposedly only 2/3 the size of earth but had the exact orbit suggested about the large planet x.. they still cannot explain the tug on neptune and uranus, because the mass on the newly discovered planet does not match the mathematical calculations...

there are tons of flags like these in the situation but the fact is no matter how much info proves it, or disproves it there is only one way we will truly find out if it is real or not, and that is when and if it comes into our solar system and can be seen from earth..

some will never believe, some will always believe, but the question is, is it better to be more prepared or less prepared? its not like you cannot eat food that you store one day, but would you rather have too much or too little?

that is up to you
