What do you use for CalMag?

i'm on well water and the strain i'm running now is the first Ca deficiency I've ever had since using all well water and Maxibloom. i normally supplement with just Epsom for Mg and Su but this is the first time i've used my cal/mg bottle in a long time.

I have a strain of UBC Chemo from several years ago that prompted me to have to add in calcium. I pull water from a lake, and no other strain I've ever grown has required it except that one.
I have a strain of UBC Chemo from several years ago that prompted me to have to add in calcium. I pull water from a lake, and no other strain I've ever grown has required it except that one.
weird, huh? right after the stretch i saw some rust spots and i was like WTF?, haven't seen those in a long time. lol
I never use CalMag. Even in hydro or coco. Tap water and calcium nitrate for the primary nitrogen source provides all that's needed. Calcium nitrate is 13% calcium.
I have a strain of UBC Chemo from several years ago that prompted me to have to add in calcium. I pull water from a lake, and no other strain I've ever grown has required it except that one.
I used to run a dredge on rivers and lakes, talk about some primo soil! We would pump the slurry into a geo bag and let it dry out. After about a week of drying, that geo bag had about a dump truck load of black gold.
Once on a job, the bag got pumped a little full, snapped its tie offs, rolled about 100' into a ditch, and exploded like it was filled with dynamite. Covered every inch of the homeowners beautiful green lawn in lake mud. I dont know how many hours I got cussed out, and I wasnt even the one operating the equipment. Homeowner called back a month or two later and apologized, his lawn looked like the 18th green at Pebble Beach.