What do you use for soil?

I really like Root Organics' mediums, but @Gary Goodson was right, the Formula 707 holds a bit more water than is comfortable for, say, a younger plant. I'd rather go with the Original, Greenfields, or Greenlite.

Their dry ferts are pretty baller. And I like to use their Dry Nutrients Player Pack with their liquid catalyst, Surge. Considering getting Ancient Amber, Extreme Serene, and Trinity as well.
It's made to mix up how you want. It comes with, like, a week's worth of fertility instead of 3-5 weeks. But I imagine it could be used more effectively for outdoors due to its ability to hold more water.
yes I've heard the original has more ferts.imo rtu outdoor soils suck.you're really just buying the name on the bag.you end up needing to amend a whole bunch anyways.that's why I've moved to mixing my own with dusts and other ingredients.for the record @maman12 listen to these guys.I don't know shit about indoor soil,just be careful with the coast of maine
You both reported each other stop acting like babies move on
I know you deleted my post but I wasn't trying to start anything. I say r.i. kidd was being a jerk to the OP for no reason and if you saw what I posted you wouldn't have deleted it. I gave the Op some good options. I'm not here to fight I have moved on from 4 years ago. I can't help how I come off. you don't know the real me. Sorry if it came off wrong but I did nothing wrong.
I grow organically indoor and out and I just finish talking to one of the reps for The Soil King about amendments they carry because they're in Cali so I'll be saving in shipping, here's a pic of some indoor plants grown in my soil mix

SAM_1484.JPG 2016-04-30 13.21.05.jpg 2016-04-30 13.23.42.jpg
I know you deleted my post but I wasn't trying to start anything. I say r.i. kidd was being a jerk to the OP for no reason and if you saw what I posted you wouldn't have deleted it. I gave the Op some good options. I'm not here to fight I have moved on from 4 years ago. I can't help how I come off. you don't know the real me. Sorry if it came off wrong but I did nothing wrong.
I know you deleted my post but I wasn't trying to start anything. I say r.i. kidd was being a jerk to the OP for no reason and if you saw what I posted you wouldn't have deleted it. I gave the Op some good options. I'm not here to fight I have moved on from 4 years ago. I can't help how I come off. you don't know the real me. Sorry if it came off wrong but I did nothing wrong.
this all started in a different thread.. he was bashing seedsupreme when it was his own germination methods that were faulty.... like he was working for another seed distributor....I just don't like when someone bad talks a company knowing it's their fault not the company's ..... the op drown his seeds and blamed seedsupreme....it's like if I were to buy clones off you, killed them and blamed you for it...seedsupreme gave him a reimbursement in their own currency going beyond what they should have..cause he said to them "you gave me bad seeds only 1 of 6 germinated" and knowing you can't talk about that to a company.....point being...lol there's no point talking to these ppl
If anything, that just proves the COBs are brighter and more penetrating than whatever wattage of HPS that was used for standard streetlights.

It just proves that they are harsher and more glare to our eyes. And likely saves the township money on electricity and maintenance.

Cobs are less penetrating than HPS. That is why you only need 1 HPS bulb to a bunch of cobs to cover a decent footprint.

Cheaper manufacturing and only replacement for maintenance is why we go to modular manufacturing.

Front wheel drive is a great example. I was in the auto business for 20 years. Front drive is made so the engine and tranny can be formed as one and dropped right in by a robot.

The safety and performance they sold it with are myths. They were able to charge more money for less parts and work.

Computer chip parts are the norm for the same reason. Plug and play.

The era of the maytag repairman is over. We now have the "geniuses" at the mall fixing our devices.

Why are you always selling cobs? You haven't even finished a plant under them. It's like every thread you post in.

Googled LED street lights and this popped up, but it seems people are more upset at their cities choice to use 4,000-5,000 kelvin rather than a lower kelvin. That article says that 3,000 kelvin should be the highest color temperature used.

Good fast research. I'm sure the k was too high on the ones that were complained about this summer.

But aren't they all bright white so to speak?