What does an infrared camera see? Look here


Well-Known Member
from what I read the cops have the cheap FLIR it can see
through smoke, but it can't see through walls.
Now the Military has the high power FLIR like on the Apache
it can see through walls.
Plus I heard in the winter time theres more heat signatures
from houses with space heaters, ect.
so it's harder to find grow lights. Plus they have to get a search warrant. hard to get that just because of a hot spot.


Active Member
from what I read the cops have the cheap FLIR it can see
through smoke, but it can't see through walls.
Now the Military has the high power FLIR like on the Apache
it can see through walls.
Plus I heard in the winter time theres more heat signatures
from houses with space heaters, ect.
so it's harder to find grow lights. Plus they have to get a search warrant. hard to get that just because of a hot spot.
Since 9/11/2001, the police have virtually the same equipment as the military. Also, the Pentagon has plans to start deploying around 20,000 troops inside the US, under the excuse of homeland security since it's illegal for them to use the military as normal police.
Some police agencies got so much money handed to them in 2002, that they couldn't spend it all on the high-tech equipment it was allocated for.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry man there is more of us then them, we will come about when the time is needed. There are some people in washington that look out for the little guys rights, becasue without us none of this would be.


Well-Known Member
i did that by accident once about 15 yrs ago....knock at my door, i took a big bong hit, opened the door and blew....i thought it was my bud stoppin by...it was 2 sherrifs!....they were spreading community awareness...lol...they literally thought it was so funny that i got stuck in that situation they cut me a break and left me alone...


Well-Known Member
i did that by accident once about 15 yrs ago....knock at my door, i took a big bong hit, opened the door and blew....i thought it was my bud stoppin by...it was 2 sherrifs!....they were spreading community awareness...lol...they literally thought it was so funny that i got stuck in that situation they cut me a break and left me alone...

wow you got real real lucky

i hope to have that never happen to me


Well-Known Member
yeah dude,i was lucky as hell! my buds and i still chuckle about it....it was a good bonghit too...very stinccky...lol....i was hackin my ass off as they werre pullin me out the door...dude, i was so fkn stoned...LMFAO