What does being high feel like to you?


Too many brownies
well it depends on how much i smoke. i mean sometimes i just feel it all threw my body and it feels like im vibrating. then sometimes it feels like im flying and i get an out of body high, where all my questions are being answerd. good shit either way.

Sounds like tripping to me :weed:


I feel happy, calm allows my brain to be able to scan information on a broader scale. Euphoric.....hungry for quality food


Well-Known Member
Thought I would bump this dead thread,
heres a poem I wrote on what it feels like to be high, sorry it doesn't rhyme.

My brain races
Everything feels like a dream
Perception is different
My brain starts thinking
This is what it’s like to be high
Over and over again
My thoughts are light
Not deep
I can picture visions in my head
I get hungry
I laugh more
I laugh for no reason sometimes


Well-Known Member
Ah well sir, I feel like a, like a slice of butter... melting on top of a big-ol' pile of flapjacks... yeah.


yeah. thats how I feel too. lmao, but no seriously.

To me, it starts off as a tingly feeling in my head. Ya know,
after a few puffs you start to get that head change.

Then it gradually starts to become this relaxing feeling
all thru-out my body.

Then everything kinda looks more vibrant. Colors are more colorful,
food tastes wonderful, and when I'm really stoned I get

cotton mouth just like everyone else. Things are funnier,
time seems slower.

Like, if I'm oober baked I feel like I'm doing things that I already did.
Its a deja-vu typa feeling.

Sometimes when I'm really really stoned I think I'm saying things that
I didn't even say. Its all me thinking inside my head.

Then I'm like oh shit, did I just say that out loud?

Then when no one responds I'm like "ok, I guess I didn't say that out loud".

And last but not least, I feel..... like I want sex. lol.

I LOVE sex high.


Well-Known Member
it helps my back pain, it numbs my whole body(after 2 or 3 blunts =] everything tastes good i tend to talk alot and get into great detail about some random shit hahaha, i feel happy i go and give my mom and sisters hugs and kisses... oh and i love my dogs i think their hilarious when im high...i just feel happy as hell


Well-Known Member
blunt a day keeps evil away,,,praise up to h.i.m as i would say....ii dont do wat the next man do as i would tell ya


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I agree with all these people...its weird cause before I could never describe it to anyone but you guys put it into words...:blsmoke: interesting


Well-Known Member
it varies but typically and consistently, all my rage and fury melt away. i'm content to just exist. it's a beautiful relaxing feeling.


New Member
really mellow after about 5 bowls what u do is go walk around to like a gas station get a pop then just come home smoke another bowl and then just go sit down...thats the best feeling
sometimes i feel like im a spectator of my high like im not me but just nobody just watching this dude
also for food if i eaat crunchy food my gums are have little cuts on them cause when im high i dont realize how hard i chew


I've had really every type of high, I guess it might depend on what I smoke.

Bad weed - High for maybe 30 minutes then I find myself drowsy and sleepy, usually knocked out 2 hours later.

Mids - Usually what I smoke, more of the physical high. Numbness feeling, blurred field vision, usually knocked out 3 - 4 hours later.

High Mids - Numbness, Major Time Distortion, sensitive mouth(spend 30 minutes moving my tonge around, felt so weird), end up focusing on my very deep thought, and excessive laughing. :)

Dank - Haven't really smoked much above High Mids, smoked in past, just starting to smoke more often, and starting to get ahold of better shit.

Also, Music is great, driving is amazing with Subs and Friends, vibrations give weird body feelings. :D


Depends on what I smoke.

Dominant sativa strains make me think a lot. Sometimes, it's a bad thing but I love the high because it makes me feel somewhat energetic. Indica strains turn me into stone. After a fat smoke sesh of some legit kush, I feel slow and the couch-lock effect takes place. I love marijuana.


took a 1 year break from weed.
now when i smoke a few bowls again, i feel anxious.
Im off probation and it just feels different now.
Its a real annoying problem cause i feel like everything is watching me and i just get aniety.
Why is this


Well-Known Member
I get two different high's and one of them is like relaxed and just feel like listening to good music and playing da ps3 or going out havin a chat. Very hard to concentrate on doing 2 things and generally a REALLY good feeling of security.
The other high is like hyper but not exacly hyper its more of a want to do something but at the same time stoned off my head. With this high i could dance, play football ect.. Its hard to explain tho i didnt exactly explain it in eithre of them :P


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I agree with all these people...its weird cause before I could never describe it to anyone but you guys put it into words...:blsmoke: interesting
Theres a good reason I put this thread here. A lot of people want to know what it feels like to be high, and the best source is for people who smoke a lot. Not to stereotype but I think most people on this website smoke at a minimum of a few times a week.
People who smoke a lot can better describe the high than those who have only smoke a few times in their lives.


took a 1 year break from weed.
now when i smoke a few bowls again, i feel anxious.
Im off probation and it just feels different now.
Its a real annoying problem cause i feel like everything is watching me and i just get aniety.
Why is this
I think it happens at some point in every pot smoker's life.

I've been smoking for almost 3 years and I went through that phase...of anxiety.

Really...all you got to do is think it through.

Meditate. Control your breathing.


Well-Known Member
I feel sort of a thick and soft warm, dissociative, light and floaty cocoon of euphoria sensation. Within this; I feel happy, creative, carefree and silly and all of this is happening in a dream-like slomo.


when i get high its amazing i feel like im in a movie some what like most said at night things such as trees look cartoonish like Dr.Suese shit and i get a numb feeling and am care free i laugh uncontralably at dumb things my thoughs deepin everything seems to have more complex reasons and i get super hungry and also the vision thing if im not focusing on it, it looks blured and i feel like when i turn my head its slow motion somewhat and sometimes if i smoke a lot i get like a vibration like feeling through out my body as if i was on a vibrating chair and i feel pain for prob like 2 seconds and its gone till i come down from my high and im super mellow and love to skate when im baked i feel like im a pro lol