I agree, check the under areas of the leaves, it def isn't spider mites but maybe some kind of aphid etc.. Anyhow they make great soaps with neem oil in them to naturally get rid of pests like this. You can look up your own recipe and or just get something that is already mixed up. Einstein Oil works well, Ive also seen DIY dawn dish soap used for certain things, idk if I would go with dawn. Something like dr.bronners baby mild is a safer bet.
Homemade recipe-
Combine 1 tablespoon of Dr. Bronner's castile soap -- or another variety -- with water in a clean spray bottle. Invert it gently several times to mix, but do not shake the bottle.
Apply the insecticidal soap spray to your plants in a heavy coating, as the spray only works if it saturates the insects you're trying to kill.
Repeat once per week until you don't notice any insects on your plant. Spray plants in the early morning, recommends Lafayette University's Organic Garden program, because pants and blossoms are most open.