What does this plant need?!


Well-Known Member
This Is my first grow and I'm just wondering if my plant looks overall healthy
Or needs anything. Im also looking for any input, suggeions or pointers. I wanna go about it the most fail safe, quality producing way as far as nutes go, so any suggestions on that is great as well. My plan is to get a 5x5 grow tent with a 1000watt hps.

As of right now I'm using vermisoil potting soil and haven't added any nutes. it's under a T5 Fluorescent light
And been there for 5 days.
It's a candyland cookie clone from KINGKLONE genetics

Some of the leafs are growing funny, 3 fingers and Unsymmetrical fingers?

Let me know what you guys think any info or suggestions
Is greatly Appreciated.

First post ever...image.jpgimage.jpg



Well-Known Member
This Is my first grow and I'm just wondering if my plant looks overall healthy
Or needs anything. Im also looking for any input, suggeions or pointers. I wanna go about it the most fail safe, quality producing way as far as nutes go, so any suggestions on that is great as well. My plan is to get a 5x5 grow tent with a 1000watt hps.

As of right now I'm using vermisoil potting soil and haven't added any nutes. it's under a T5 Fluorescent light
And been there for 5 days.
It's a candyland cookie clone from KINGKLONE genetics

Some of the leafs are growing funny, 3 fingers and Unsymmetrical fingers?

Let me know what you guys think any info or suggestions
Is greatly Appreciated.

First post ever...View attachment 3365195View attachment 3365197


Well-Known Member
Learn patience, it might take longer than 16 minutes for someone to respond. On that note, patience is required when gardening.

Did you cut the leaves?


Well-Known Member
I think it balances out in time due to slower initial growth with smaller solar panels to start with.

Best way is with proper humidity and lighting neither the cut leaves or moisture stress will need to occur, and the plant can root and grow fastest.

Seller probably just wants you to get a survivor more than the fastest growth initially.


Well-Known Member
If i snip the leafs a bit off one of my clone stems , will the other stem caught up to it because its abit slower atm .

iv topped a clone into two stems :) and ones shorter


Well-Known Member
Looks like it's ready for more light.

If you are going to get a 1k HPS you better either get a few more clones or take them from this one in a week or two.