What does this plant need?!


Well-Known Member
T5 is fine for both veg and flower, but you need a lot of them. Regardless of lighting option you want 5000-7500 lumens per square foot. It's just harder to get there with T5, you need a bunch. Giving less light in veg means getting a lankier plant with more distance between bud nodes. Early veg before roots are ready is the only point where less light than 5000-7500lm/sqft can be better.

Also note blue light is very helpful in veg, but red light is most important in flower. Note I said most important, not only important. Blues and UVB are also very important and often go missing.

66% Blue 6500k or MH
33% Red 2700-3500k or HPS

60% Red 2700-3500k or HPS
30% Blue 6500k or MH
10%* UVB/UVA/Deep blues (get this from a 10% uvb bulb [reptile or tanning], 3w-5w per sqft
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for your feed back. What do you think of 1000 watts in a 5x5 is that not enough light for the space? I cant seem to find a Solid answer


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your feed back. What do you think of 1000 watts in a 5x5 is that not enough light for the space? I cant seem to find a Solid answer
1000w HPS = 5600 lumens per square foot. 5000-7500 is the range you want to be in.

You can add supplemental lighting to edge toward 7500. HPS can use some supplemental anyway, add 6500k and UVB (3-5w of UVB 10% bulbs per square foot) for best results and to max out your lighting.

Light is not measured in watts, there are better measures than lumens, but you have to get pretty technical to fully understand them and getting the data isn't always easy. For sizing "white" lights lumens works fine.

Watts is a measure of energy or heat, not light.


Well-Known Member
I'm lost :|
Sorry I'm a newbeeee

Maybe a 4x4 would be better ?

People are saying they run outta room with a 4x4

Just want all the good info I can get thanks again...


Well-Known Member
Also today I read, I shouldn't have it in a big pot ...?

I think it's in a 8gallon plastic pot...

Should I transplant to a smaller smart pot?


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, 1000w will fill up a 5x5 nicely. Nomo clearly knows what he's doing, so take his advice on maximizing your setup.

8 gallons is too big for a seedling. But people start seeds in the ground. Itl be a pain to keep track of your watering.