What does your screen name mean?


Well-Known Member
Meh, every local police officer knows I smoke pot anyway. I'm polite and they leave me alone.

Well, they do ask if I'm okay if I'm in the train station alone late at night though- my area is full of bars, clubs and hoodrats.


Well-Known Member
A cr500 is a dirtbike a roost is when you gas it and throw dirt and it looks like a rooster tail cause its a long stream arched dirt pile in the air.


Well-Known Member
well i like anime and cars (all but am a sucka for German and Japanese tuners) so mugan is the name from a character in an awsome ANime called samurai shamplu , and spelled diff its the name of a comp that works with Honda and other jap models to make SE cars, kinda like Dodge's SRT here is the civic


Well-Known Member
My friends said Erica all ghetto when I was 15 and it came out as Urca..... so all my friends still call me that, and i use it on here


Well-Known Member
I did not put a lot of thought into mine lol. Just my initials and year of my birth. When I joined, I didn't know I would be a regular, I wanted to use the search feature without the phrase :) If I had known I'd still be here over a year later I would have put more thought into it.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
CSI- is a location. The "I" stands for "Illinois". And this is not my current location, this an internet handle i came up with while i lived there, many years ago, before i ever joined this site.

Stickyicky- I forget exactly. What the hell could possibly be described as "Stickyicky"? Oh well, one of life's great mysteries.


Well-Known Member
CSI- is a location. The "I" stands for "Illinois". And this is not my current location, this an internet handle i came up with while i lived there, many years ago, before i ever joined this site.

Stickyicky- I forget exactly. What the hell could possibly be described as "Stickyicky"? Oh well, one of life's great mysteries.
Spilled molasses on your worktable?


Well-Known Member
as much as you think my username is some sort of 1800's racist name for a slave owner...it actually came about me hitting the keyboard a few times trying to figure out a username about 20 years ago for something else :D


Well-Known Member
Mine's subtle. Pet Flora is a product that is essential to keep a healthy intestinal balance in animals and humans.

Most people do not know that >80% of the immune system is located in the gut. Once it is out of balance dis-ease follows.