What drove your decision to grow?


I was sitting here thinking about why I got into growing, and I thought I'd start a conversation and see why anyone else who feels like responding got into it.

Well, I'm 33, been smoking since I was 19. I've gone through my total pot head phase (blazed 24/7), gone through my dry phase (quite for several years), now I'm an occasional toker! When I do smoke, it's not just the buzz I enjoy. I won't smoke dirt (ghetto) weed. I'd rather go without. Flavor and aroma matter as much to me as does the buzz. I also don't care to smoke alone (though I will/do)... atmosphere is the other half of it. I enjoy sitting down with a friend or two and chit chatting while we smoke.

Personally, I never understood the whole "puff puff pass, no parking on the grass" philosophy. What's the rush? We're gonna get high :D I don't mind chilling and talking in between tokes. It's a very relaxed and mellow atmosphere I like.

Anyways, I'm getting off point. I don't smoke frequently enough to build multiple contacts anymore. I know a few people, it sometimes takes a few days (even a week) when I do want it. And of course it's a complete crap shoot as to what I'll be getting. Granted where I live, you'd get shot for trying to sell anything less than whole buds that wreck you (people take their smoke VERY damn seriously up in the north country). But still quality on a black market is never guaranteed. You just never know what you're going to get.

My Plan:

I'm a pretty intelligent guy (I like to think). I understand the basics of life (as in things needing the proper light, nutrients etc), I'm capable of making things grow (I've done it before, just not pot plants). I knew getting into this that pot plants were a different ball game. It's basically a tropical plant. Tropical plants require special TLC, but from what I've read I can handle it on a small scale.

At the moment, everything is coming together as I go along. Lights, accessories, etc, as I get money. I'm using 3 seeds I got out of a bag of good local outdoor as an experimental grow. If I get females and the buds I attempt to flower turn out good... so be it, but my main goal here with these three un-special plants is to learn the tricks of growing. I'm learning by trial and error and a crap ton of help and reading on forums like this. My 3 plants are doing very well right now, but you can see from previous growth lower on the plant that I've made mistakes. Nothing so critical as to kill the plant or cause serious permanent harm, but damage has been done lol. In my defense though, I've learned from my mistakes and moved forward. The new growth coming in is beautiful ^_^

Eventually, I will have a permanent concealed veg area and a permanent concealed flower area. I want to be able to grow my own dope but not have to worry about company coming into my house and seeing/smelling stuff. When I'm fully set up and feel comfortable with the grow techniques, I will keep a single mother and two clones in the veg area, while flowering clones. This way, I get a small personal stash every 4-6 months or so to treat myself with (as in the only time I'll be smoking is when I harvest my bud).

My ultimate goal is to obtain a potent strain, that I can comfortably keep healthy and growing... and grow/flower it to it's best potential through lots of TLC.

I want to grow some 1 hit shit lol.

I will control my own supply, and quality.

Right now I grow in a soil type medium I created (peat moss, perilite, sand) but once I get my main setup ready, I'll be going completely hydroponic. I have a long ways to go though before that happens.

Anyways, that's my story and where I'm coming from... how about you? o_O


Active Member
WHAT Drove me to grow was not having any good weed around. Once I started though that turned into a Passion . Now I enjoy growing everything

george xxx

Active Member
Qualty is always an issue but the driving force is economics. If I can grow at $20 a plant why piss money away for nothing :?:


Active Member
For me it was plain and simple my love for cannabis. For years I have paid and paid and paid again, for what? Something I could easily accomplish myself? I remember the very second the opportunity presented itself I jumped on that train like a dyke runs from dick... No second thoughts or guesses, immediately plans started to brew in the ol' think box. I love the hobby and honestly I can't see myself ever getting bored or tired of it. I remember when I first got the idea in my head my ol' lady just about left me because I was glued to my comp. For hours on end... days almost lol ... Reading and absorbing every last morsel of information I could find... I love to grow and will never stop. Even if I get locked up I'll order up some seeds the day I get out... Its my mind and body and if this is how I choose to spend my free time I have every right in the world to do so. Just because some fat cat politicians aren't on the same page as me will never make me abandon my new found love and passion.



Well-Known Member
Pain and lack of sleep for me. Plus been around a grow sence I was born. Erly 70's. Separated my back at age 9. Tryed everything nothing worked. Age 14 found speed. So off weed I went. But after 16 years I did kick it and found new problems. Clean and sober I desided I would grow for me. But others with the same shit ask for help. Only charge what is needed. Im not growing to give away. Do as long as I pay my bills have my meds I'll grow for everyone. It's not for money.


Well-Known Member
I like getting high and got tired of smoking that trash they send from down south that supports terrorism! Plus I got carded.


I like getting high and got tired of smoking that trash they send from down south that supports terrorism!
HAHA... I lived in GA for 4 years back in my 20's. The weed down there isn't just bad... it f*%#ing sucks!!! That, btw, is when I went dry lol.


Active Member
I grow because I simply enjoy marijuana and freedom. That said the greatest thing growing has done for me is enabled me to be more financially stable which in turn has allowed me to spend more quality time with my son and wife and in turn given me the freedom to tell my boss I don't need the extra hours (away from what really matters).


Well-Known Member
I'd rather die young than die old and broke, that's why I stay drunk and I constantly smoke.
I was like that. Now I have 4 kids so broke is a given. And jail sucks. After all my small charges everything is now a felony. I'm fighting 3 now. Don't be stupid. Change your life befor you end up like me. Yes your having fun now but when you get to the age you could be a grandpa do you realy want to have stupid shit hanging over your head? My oldest is 16 and I'm looking at 3 years for handing out 2 joints. Plus 3 different charges that could give me 5 years. If I can't get them droped or bright down my youngest will be 13. Be smart man. Now is now but the rest of your life is long. And you never know this till you have something realy worth lossing. I was a dumbass. And only people going to suffer are the ones I love. Shit my mom might die in a few years and I won't be there. Please don't do what I did.


Well-Known Member
Dont get me wrong stand up for what you belive in but dont be stupid about it. The good die young. So by law we arnt good so your gonna live. Unless your drunk/stoned ass hurts my kids. That's for everyone and I hope the same goes for me.

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
"Just another garden variety cannabis smoker desiring to be self-sufficient, and opposed to the manufactured illegality of a benign plant."

So far, that sums up my philosophy.


Well-Known Member
I have smoked put for 20 years.I've been in and out of jail I've learned that jail isn't fun I grow so I don't have to surround myself with unsavory characters to score a bag


I have smoked put for 20 years.I've been in and out of jail I've learned that jail isn't fun I grow so I don't have to surround myself with unsavory characters to score a bag
I've gone into some shady fricken places for a bag, man. I hear ya on the "unsavory characters"


Active Member
it's a tupac quote...lol. i don't live like that at all. at one point yeah, i was a dumb kid, but now, no one would ever think i was growing...but i'm a gambler at heart. i thrive off of risk. i hope it works out for you...i can't imagine they will put you away for that, regardless of what your history is. "keep your head up" - tupac
We all do brother man...