What EC meter are u guys using?

Oh i trust my ph pen, its my stupid EC pen i dont trust and cant figure out if i should return it and buy a more expensive bluelab or go back to buying the 20 dollar ppm pens from amazon.

My bluelab does the same thing but 25 to 30ppm is close enough. Actually my first bluelab was so far off out of the box that I had to send it back. The cheap ppm pens are worse, I went my whole first grow thinking I was feeding 1800ppm and they still looked hungry, well got the bluelab and the bluelab read 600ppm on the same solution the cheap one read 1800ppm.
I use a $30 HM Digital COM-80. It does what it's supposed to do. Has four settings for readings but I only use one.
  • EC Range: 0 – 9990 µS; 0 – 9.9 mS
  • TDS Range: 0 – 5000 ppm (0.5 Scale) ; 0-8560 ppm (0.7 Scale)
  • Temperature Range: 1-80 °C; 33-176 °F
  • Resolution: 1 µS/ppm; 0.1 mS
  • Temp. Resolution: 0.1 °C/F
  • Accuracy: +/- 2%
I'm happy with my COM-80's, bought two used ones off ebay.... after dicovering my cheapo is inaccurate.
I like my bluelab pulse meter. It takes direct EC reading and moisture reading straight from the soil/medium and right to my phone.
I just got the soil leap meter tooo~ sooooo excited
How are you liking it the pulse?? Mine seemed to work better in soil not as accurate in pro mix?
How are you liking it the pulse?? Mine seemed to work better in soil not as accurate in pro mix?
I haven't used it much but I did have a plant that wasn't eating and with a quick check on my pulse showed a 2.5 ec. I fixed it by not feeding it and just leeching the pot and I will eventually get to figuring out how it works in coco coir but for now it works great as a coco/soil medium ec meter. The moisture part I think I need to get used to and do some testing
I was looking at the bluelab pulse and I've seen prices all over the place from 75$ - $400. What's the legit price range for this tool and wondering from experienced users how they like it. Ty!!✊
I want to measure vwc in and EC directly from the pot in my 1 gal coco grow. I've got a bluelab guardian on my rez now. Not any issues after 4 years. I'm impressed w it actually.
Blue Labs , the PH / EC pens -calibrate every 2 weeks, used the cheap ebay ones not worth the risk,-- A MUST you need to clean the PH pens once a month, they get a film on them an give false reading...

Just brought the Blue Labs Combo Meter Plus ..
I have a Bluelab Monitor (MONGUA) and the pH pen and EC pen from the Grower's Toolkit. The monitor runs continuously and I use the EC Pen for mixing a basic batch of full strength nutes. Once I get the EC of the full strength nutes, I can calculate the amounts to create nute water at the required EC.

A few weeks ago, I noticed that the EC readings that I was getting from the monitor were out of whack with the readings from the pen. This came up with autos in flower so the reading were low, as in 0.8 EC range so I long ago switched to 500 PPM readings. The reading from the monitor could be 450 and the pen would read 400. In most cases, that not too much but is seems that autos in flower are really finicky. Also, I expected that the pen and the monitor would be "real close"…maybe 10 or, perhaps, 20

I calibrated the pen and the monitor using 2.77 EC solution. With a PPM of 1385, pen came in at 1390 so that's dead on but the monitor came in at 1420 and 1430. When I contacted Bluelab, they told me that they consider +/- 50 PPM to be accurate.

While I'd like to have both devices report a closer set of values, I had to accept that the absolute value is not that important. Even with the low EC values that I was working with, the key point is that TDS is going up or down and neither the PPM itself nor the amount of change are that important.

My tuppence…