What exactly does a ppm meter do? And are they very necessary?


Hey i want to get a ppm meter but i'm not sure if i really need one they seem like they could be really helpful and what do they exactly do


Active Member
ppm=parts per million and yes they are important as this way ur know whats in ur water/plant with run off reading aswell but electric conductivity ec this is more accurate then ppm


Well-Known Member
It tells you how many "Total Dissolved Solids" aka, TDS aka EC (Electrical Conductivity). As others have posted, a PPM meter tells you exactly how many solids out of 1 million are dissolved into your liquid (water). It doesn't tell you exactly what nutes or how much of each type of nutrient are in the water. It just tells you that out of the 1 million particles of water, there is 1000, or 1500 solid particles or whatever the reading is. What those particles actually are isn't specifically known.

The Growery

Active Member
its good handy tool, on amazon you can get em for around $60 for a decent one. it's always nice to know for sure how many nutes you got in there and in theory you could increase yield since you would be maximizing the amount of nutes in the water. also nice for creating consistent nutrient mixes. having an extra variable measured makes troubleshooting plants that much easier.