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I have been running my brand new 250w metal halide conversion bulb for maybe a week 24/7 in a floralux 250w HPS fixture from HTGsupply. All of a sudden today, it burns out.. On the inside of the arc tube I can see all this green crusty stuff and a little bit of brown caked onto the glass, it looks burned on. The ballast was also buzzing (humming) when it happened. I may have leaned on the power cord but I'm not sure. When I tried to start it back up, the ballast was buzzing again. Temperatures and humidity were pretty high in the room today. I do not have any air cooling system on the light, I didnt think a 250w fixture would need it. It is possible that it got too hot? I put a HPS bulb in to replace it for now, and it seems to be working fine. Does this mean its burned out for good? I'm afraid to try to run it again, dont want it to explode