What excuse would you have for a Tent?


Well-Known Member
dark room for developing film... don't go in you'll ruin my film... *duh* not too hard... especially when you're getting older... stay high
Make the room look artsy lots of photos, film, old 35mm cameras and such tell her it is a portable dark room.tell her your not in to the digital scene


Well-Known Member
I did not have inspections, but, I once had a very stealthy armoire.

It was a tall armoire. All ducting going out of the armoire grouped into an area in the top of the armoire. I stack some stuff on the armoire to make it look like i used it for storage.

Right at the spot where the ducting was grouped I had two Totes with lids stacked on top of eachother. They fit perfectly between the top of the armoire and the ceiling of the room. A very snug fit. I also kept a rolled up sleeping bag, and some other random shit up there. Looked pretty natural.

I drilled 4 inch holes through the top and bottom of the totes so the ducting could be ran through the bottoms and lids of both of the bins. Passive intakes were drilled (6 or so 1.5 inch holes) into the floor of the armoire and covered with ac filter type material. Light proof and filtered the intake.

My fans were mounted in the attic, so the noise was not at all an issue.

It was pretty stealthy. I didn't have many people in my room, but the few that did never noticed it.

BTW, who the fuck inspects their tenants living space? That is fucked.


Well-Known Member
Tell her that's where you keep the gimp.

If she says she wants to see it, just say the gimp is sleeping.

If she says, Well, I guess you're gonna have to go wake him up now, aren't you?... then you're fucked.


Well-Known Member
your making an indoor garden. Grow some random veggies and some taller flowers and keep the herb trained down and in the back, that way if they look in to inspect further, they see tomatoes and cosmos. Put a shit ton air fresheners in it! :D


Well-Known Member
tell them it's were you keep the ppl you've killed for being to god damn nosey!!! are you next bitch? are you???? yeah I didn't think so... thrust your head a few times like a chicken... LOL stay high


Well-Known Member
I think we are going about this the hard way. You need to let slip that you have a disease.
The tent is a medical device but dont worry she wont stick around long enough to ask when
she finds out your hiv has turned the corner to full blown aids.

Im sure you can think of a better disease but if you say ebola they will
lock you away somewhere that your tent is not.