What famous person do people tell you that you look like?

Some girl thought I was Russel crow one time...but I did the internet thing where it does facial pattern recognition and they said I look like this dude.


Did mine, not impressed

I have had literally hundreds of people tell me that I was a double of Woody Harrelson. I have even had a few people come up to me in bars or restaurants asking if I was him. I am darker complexion ( father was 1/2 Mexican) and have no gap in my teeth and also about 6" taller, but I concede I do look quite a bit like him.

More than a couple times...
albeit my eyes are dark brown, my hair closer to black, and my complexion is darker. Although after she watched "Legends of the Fall" my wife also said I looked like Brad Pitt...so yeah, somewhere inbetween. ;)