• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

"What Fellowship Can Light have with Darkness?"


Well-Known Member
I dont think that children knowing right and wrong is a valid argument. In reference to "if your looking down two paths.. one path leads to certain death, the other path leads to great life". I would firstoff say that both paths lead to certain death! Secondly i would ask you what defines a great life? and whose definition is that? A "great' life is an illusion, there is only life.
Accepting a situation just as it is does not mean not thinking about it. It only means accepting the situation as it is, non judgementally, then using the mind as a tool to make the best decision. Use this as an example. You are driving down the road, running late for work and your tire blows out. You have two decisions here: You can let the ego take control and get very emotional and upset. You can judge the situation as "bad" and think of countless troubles this has caused you. Or you can accept the situation as it is, without judgement, then without getting emotional and upset use your mind to make a decision whether to fix it, call a tow etc. In either cases the event is still the same: you got a flat tire. Which situation seems more appealing to you? The human mind is a wonderful tool and truly a gift to have, its just not neccesarilly the best place to live.
i see where your going with the path thing but death is a given we all know we are going to die of course they both lead to certain death because death is a given. okay picture the one path lined with razors and all sorts of shit, blades spikes zombies all that shit,, the other path is free of any thing that will harm you, of course your gonna take the path that doesnt harm you, its judgement, we can t survive without it, naturally anyone will walk down the clear path without thinking twice, why? because you look at the path and say that path is a ....bad or good way to go. your not gonna naturally walk down the path lined with razors and say they both are so im going down the path lined with razors.

regarding the flat tire situation.. you can go either way, the event is still the same you have a flat tire, but the reactions you said are still using bad or good judgement. you can get emotional and act one way or you can do it the other way you said,, but you pointed out exactly what i was saying.. react a bad way or a good way,

one way your gettin tender and emotional, hence acting like its what? bad

or you can take it in stride and call the tow truck like you said, hence the good way,


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as bad and good. Everything just is. It is the idea that you think that you have the ability to judge everything that makes the distinction between good and evil. Who are you to judge? Are you really in a seat of power so high that you can see from the highest of perspectives and judge everything so simply as to categorize them as good and evil?

I think not. But who am I to say either way?:roll:
sorry i think your answer is completely wrong,

so your saying that if you suddenly get lung cancer or some tragedy happens to you tomorrow your gonna say oh it just is?

sure you are gonna say it just is, and i can turn to godzilla at the snap of a finger.

some dude puts a gun to your head and threatens to kill you,, but no your not scared because the situation just is theres no such thing as a bad....sure thing buddy!
your gonna be shittin your pants thinking the situation sucks, but no theres no such thing as bad? and my name is voltron

a gang of dudes gang rape your mother.. no that just is... its not bad it just is

some guy cuts your balls off for fun,, thats not bad it just is..

you hit the powerball for 300 million, no thats no good it just is!!!!

i dont stay with my girl because her pussy just is, her titties just are.. her attitude just is.
yeah thats why im with her because she just is:roll:

to say something just is.. is half the answer.

look up is, its a linking word,

look at it in a sentence,,,

john is...

john is what?

john is tall.

this burger is...

this burger is what?? tasty

to say theres no bad and good is lunacy,, i dont eat oreo cookies because they are... i eat them because they ARE good.
it IS a good cookie.

take the good and bad out of everything you talk about and just leave it as is,, see how stupid and half assed it sounds

hey joe that new car you got is..

that tv show is...

that new shirt you got is..

that hurricane coming at us is...

that pizza you made is...

wow that new house you got really is...

that girl walking down the street is..

that cancer i got is..

damn i won a 200 million dollar powerball that is

that weed i just got is..

etc etc etc etc..

back to my original point.. no good or bad? no way!


Well-Known Member
good and bad are just ideas, abstractions...so while your right, if I got lung cancer I would consider it a bad thing, it is only because society has come to a concensus that cancer is a "bad" thing, pain and early death are a "bad" thing...this seems obvious, there seems to be a fundamental agreement on what is bad or evil, but if you try to really be objective and open minded you can see that nothing can be as black and white as that, it is all a matter or perspective...most would consider cutting a females genitalia off evil, or bad...yet there are tribes in africa consider this normal...what is good to someone may be evil to another...
....in reality things just are, and whether you apply the label good or bad to it is just a matter of your perspevtive...


Well-Known Member
it is only because society has come to a concensus that cancer is a "bad" thing, pain and early death are a "bad" thing...this seems obvious,

society taught you pain was a bad thing?? society didnt teach me that. i know what pain was way before i even knew what society was so that part not a good argument to me in the slightest,..

i doubt i even knew the word society when i was two and ill tell you how it felt gettin half me ear bitten off by a dog. society didnt tell me that was a painful or a bad situation, somehow i just knew it sucked.

society taught us how to feel pain? that is so wrong its almost laughable.

....in reality things just are, and whether you apply the label good or bad to it is just a matter of your perspevtive...
what your sayin is definitely true to me i agree with that, but people are trying to say that good and bad dont exist. i say yes they do exist its just all on how you perceive it. so saying things just are is only half the answer until you add the good or bad to it. so yes they do exist, but how people perceive them to exist is the final answer to the is..

yes everything is... but your only answering half the question.

my dog isnt a member of society but when he cut his leg something serious he knew what it was.. it was pain. he perceived it to be a bad situation.

yes he cut his leg it is.... its only half the answer until his perception of the situation came into play, to say bad and good is non existent.. well to me thats craziness.

some people perceive it to be a good thing.. they liek to cut themselves and bleed, but to add the perception of the bad and the good is the final answer to the is.

so are you saying pain is an is thing, pleasure is an is thing, thats what society has told us to beleive?

are you saying society has taught you that pain is bad and pleasure is good? i think thats nonsense. society taught you the words not the feeling.

put your hand on a hot stove and just say the situation is.. lets see how long you say it just is. i give you less than a second of saying that situation is before you scream like my sister and say that SHIT IS BAAAAD!!! unless your some shaolin monk that learned how to put that invisible forcefield over your body

because pain and pleasure are perceived as bad or good people are basically sayin they dont exist. so in your minds pleasure and pain dont exist either, they just are.. that is only half the answer until what your perception of the situation is whether its bad or good, they exist, but its all on what you perceive it to be.

are you basically saying we were taught pleasure and pain by society?

society didnt tell me that breaking my leg feels bad, yes BAD

damn i fucked my girl last night that felt really is...
wow that sentence sounded like nonsense

then i can say society has told me that sex feels good but good doesnt exist so sex just is,, thats a horrible answer. society diodnt tell me that sex feels good i did it and realized sex feels, good,

dam i cut my arm that feels is..

i stepped on a nail, that just is.. it feels really is..

my dog is dying of cancer, that is such an is thing.

damn i fell off my bike and i think i broke my arm,, isnt that is?

that dude shot me in the leg. what an is guy that is and wow my leg feels really is

what everyone may perceive to be bad or good is debatable,, but to say they dont exist is laughable.

bad is a descriptive word for communication purposes, we feel pain for a reason.. how does pain feel? is?? society didnt teach you that pain is a bad situation, your born with it, , if bad or good dont exist we wouldnt feel love, we'd feel the same for everyone. we would never get hurt and we would be emotionless.


Well-Known Member
your right, theres bad and good situations. that kid gettin touched by a sicko is a bad situation just like the kid gettin leukemia. i feel you cant just look at a situation and say it is.. thats only half the answer. it is what? everyone uses judgement and bad and good are the two that you use. whether its an act of doing bad or a situation that is good, you look at those situations with judgement.. if not we wouldnt be human. if you put your hand on something hot... do you say it just is? you think its a bad situation and react to it. your not gonna keep your hand on it unless you are an idiot. your not gonna sit there with your hand gettin burnt the fuck up and say.. well it just is.

just like if your petting your dog you want to keep doing it, why? because it feels good. its judgement, we need it to survive. if we cant judge a bad or good situation we are not human
Indeed, judgment is something that we need for survival. But considering that we are human, and our judgment is flawed we can only do our best (when we feel like it). So judging whether something is good or bad is just that, judgment - a human reaction, thus introducing the element that makes good and bad subjective.

Within humanity and even nature in instances, there are things that are generally accepted as good or bad. Stealing is generally considered bad, pretty much every where we will ever go. But why is it bad? It's bad because it will lead to the demise of said society. look at where we are now, in short it was more of less because of legal stealing and scamming. Murder is wrong but it exists everywhere in nature. We legally encourage murder by the hundreds and thousands in the name of war. But can you say that there is never any single justifiable cause for war?

So to think of it in other terms, which is really a huge part of the question: would/could/does morality (right and wrong) exist without humanity? Keep in mind that good and bad, good and evil whatever has to be tied to some sort of infinite/perfect essence - if not, it is subjective.


Well-Known Member
some dude puts a gun to your head and threatens to kill you,, but no your not scared because the situation just is theres no such thing as a bad....sure thing buddy!
your gonna be shittin your pants thinking the situation sucks, but no theres no such thing as bad? and my name is voltron
None of those scenarios have happened to me. And as I have already said if they happen...that's it they happen. I live life in the moment. I don't worry about what might happen if...that seems to be YOUR problem along with the rest of the worlds.

Again I ask, Who are you to judge anything? From what perspective are you seeing things. You are dividing EVERYTHING into Good and Bad. In reality there can be no good without bad. If you can't have one without the other then one is no better or no worse than the other. It is your infantile and human judgment that cannot understand that...

So feel free to "think" that I am wrong and continue to limit yourself to the illusion. Just remember that by limiting yourself to that view, you cannot ascend or ever see reality for what it truly is. And again that is your prerogative...unlike YOU, I don't feel that I am fit to judge you or anyone/anything else.


Well-Known Member
people try to get too deep sometimes like their super intellectuals or something and their minds are above the rest of the worlds when they are really no different from the rest of the world

.unlike YOU, I don't feel that I am fit to judge you or anyone/anything else.
who are you to judge anything? so your telling me you dont look at a car and say you like it because who are you to judge weather or not you like it. you dont look at a hot girls titties because WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THEM? you dont look at a nice mountain scene and say weather you like it or not because who are you to judge it. you dont like girls because who are you to judge that? you dont have a favorite actor because who are you to judge them? you dont like music because who are you to judge a song? your judging a human mind calling it infantile then go turn around and say you dont judge? please quit while your ahead. i mean come one are you serious? judging the human mind calling it infantile, then saying i dont judge.

if thats how you perceive things then yes your right.. your not fit to judge anything.
It sounds alot more like you have a serious problem.if thats how you look at life i feel sorry for you. id hate to be in your shoes

None of those scenarios have happened to me. And as I have already said if they happen...that's it they happen. I live life in the moment. I don't worry about what might happen if...that seems to be YOUR problem along with the rest of the worlds.
No shit situations happen thats only half the answer. its the perception of the situation that answers it.. come on now are you gonna come up with some real material or what? your judging my situation calling it a problem, then saying i dont judge. arent you judging that situation calling it a problem? its only a problem to you because thats what you judged it to be.. but wait i forgot you dont judge! wow!

thats another reply i feel that is nonsensical, no im not going around scared to death thinking that situation is going to happen when i walk out my door, yes it happened i had a gun to my head, yes at the moment it was nervous and scared, and yes afterward i said well yeah it happened, BUT at the time it sucked

i dont go around worried to death about IF a situation happens, i worry about it when it happens, but to say you dont judge a situation WHEN it happens is basically saying your a mindless imbecile.

I mean check it out. A road just is. A Desk just is.... A human? I don't think so....

I mean U can't teach pain feeling bad or feeling good etc... Yes someone taught me that those words meant that n how they were spelled n that they are part of the vocabulary but no one teaches me those emotions or thoughts.

At the end of the day u can strip away verbal communication from people but we naturally draw our selves conciously to positive/good situations and unwillingy conflict with bad situations... But we both know what each feeling individualy means to us.

I mean it all boils down to perception. for instance. what u describe as good may not be for me. Like someone who cuts themselves might gravitate to that action because it feels good to them on any level of the meaning of "good" wether it be just a generally good feeling or a form of escape. Either way its looked upon as a good/positive resort or action.

I may not agree but does it make it anyless satisfactory to the person who participates in that? No.

So yes good n evil exists wether u can describe it in words or translate it in emotion or thoughts or else you would "just be" like a street, or a desk, or a sneaker. Its the perpetuation of Life and experiencing that enables things to co-exist, react, relate, n feel.

It is just as ridiculous to insist that universal good and bad exist as it is to insist that
they don't. We have to stop focusing on the question and explore where and
how "universal good and bad" were used on the world's population and came to be
seen as 'true'.


stays relevant.
More importantly, what fellowship can religions based on ridiculously spun concepts have to do with reality? Religion is probably the longest running pyramid scheme of all time. Furthermore, why do people insist on believing that in one way or another religion is bettering their lives? It's a method of using blind faith to instill moral law into the minds and actions of a group of people. Are you really that gullible?

My mother taught me when I was young that there is nothing there in the dark, that isn't there in the light. When this is the case, why is it necessary to identify a fellowship between the two?


Well-Known Member
sorry i think your answer is completely wrong,

so your saying that if you suddenly get lung cancer or some tragedy happens to you tomorrow your gonna say oh it just is?

sure you are gonna say it just is, and i can turn to godzilla at the snap of a finger.

some dude puts a gun to your head and threatens to kill you,, but no your not scared because the situation just is theres no such thing as a bad....sure thing buddy!
your gonna be shittin your pants thinking the situation sucks, but no theres no such thing as bad? and my name is voltron

a gang of dudes gang rape your mother.. no that just is... its not bad it just is

some guy cuts your balls off for fun,, thats not bad it just is..

you hit the powerball for 300 million, no thats no good it just is!!!!

i dont stay with my girl because her pussy just is, her titties just are.. her attitude just is.
yeah thats why im with her because she just is:roll:

to say something just is.. is half the answer.

look up is, its a linking word,

look at it in a sentence,,,

john is...

john is what?

john is tall.

this burger is...

this burger is what?? tasty

to say theres no bad and good is lunacy,, i dont eat oreo cookies because they are... i eat them because they ARE good.
it IS a good cookie.

take the good and bad out of everything you talk about and just leave it as is,, see how stupid and half assed it sounds

hey joe that new car you got is..

that tv show is...LONG

that new shirt you got is..COLOURFUL

that hurricane coming at us is...LARGE

that pizza you made is...SPICY

wow that new house you got really is...OLD

that girl walking down the street is..YOUNG

that cancer i got is..GROWING

damn i won a 200 million dollar powerball that is...UNLIKELY

that weed i just got is..DRY

etc etc etc etc..

back to my original point.. no good or bad? no way!
Good -> Evil
Light -> Dark

Black -> White.

We live in a world of varying shades of Grey.

All of the pairs above represent a placement on a SCALE, not a distinct state for a person/situation/item (as are the examples I have added above)

There is no such thing as 'Good' or 'Evil' these are words to describe where, IN YOUR OPINION, a person/situation falls on a SCALE of MORALLITY, which obviously is DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE.

There is no such thing as 'Light' or 'Dark' only the levels of VISIBLE ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY (light energy) eminating from any given point.

So please tell me, How do you measure 'Good' or 'Evil'?


Well-Known Member
I mean check it out. A road just is. A Desk just is.... A human? I don't think so....

A road, a desk, a human just is...a certain frequency of vibration. It is not real or permanent. So labels and judgments of good and bad don't stick because they ultimately don't last.

Alas, it is not pragmatic to debate anything with you. Everyone's argument according to you is laughable or nonsensical. You say you knew pain before you knew what society was...but you seem to forget that your parents as well as family and school teachers are all a part of society.


Well-Known Member
Good -> Evil
Light -> Dark

Black -> White.

We live in a world of varying shades of Grey.

All of the pairs above represent a placement on a SCALE, not a distinct state for a person/situation/item (as are the examples I have added above)

There is no such thing as 'Good' or 'Evil' these are words to describe where, IN YOUR OPINION, a person/situation falls on a SCALE of MORALLITY, which obviously is DIFFERENT FOR EVERYONE.

There is no such thing as 'Light' or 'Dark' only the levels of VISIBLE ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY (light energy) eminating from any given point.

So please tell me, How do you measure 'Good' or 'Evil'?

didnt i say that the everyones scale of positive and negative is different? but like i said earlier , the idea of a universal good or evil is just as ridicuolous as saying there is no good or evil. actually good and evil are too strong a term, everyone here is misconstruing it and using the terms for arguments sake, lets rid the good and evil out of the conversation and lets make it positive and negative.

you said theres no such thing as light and dark, then in the next sentence you describe electromagnetic energy as light energy? you say we live in a world of varying shades of grey? well what is gray? a combination of black and white, light and dark so your contradicting yourself further proving my point that black and white light dark good bad positive negative whatever you want to call it exists..

are you saying theres no such thing as positive and negative energy?. i may measure something positive that someone else may measure negative. theres no set scale but because everyones mind is different.is positive and negative energy there?

lets go back to what you filled in because i was waiting for someone to do that. they were half sentences describing absolutely nothing until you filled it in. now that you filled it and judged everything in the sentence and thought pattern is complete.
so to say things just are and situations just is.. is not an answer. its only halfway there.

that tv show is...LONG

that new shirt you got is..COLOURFUL

that hurricane coming at us is...LARGE

that pizza you made is...SPICY

wow that new house you got really is...OLD

that girl walking down the street is..YOUNG

that cancer i got is..GROWING

damn i won a 200 million dollar powerball that is...UNLIKELY

that weed i just got is..DRY

^notice how the sentence wasnt complete ending in is. you completed the sentences because they were what? incomplete. so to say something just is is an incomplete answer. that was the point i was making. that situations dont make sense if they just are.. its too dumb and easy of an answer.. life is more difficult than that

good evil light dark its all perceived, but they exist in all of our lives in some way.

all your answers require a positive and negative outlook or some type of judgement of the situation to complete the lines.

you judged the weed to be dry you judged the girl to be young, for all you kow shes 30, when you looked at her you judged her to be young.

your perceiving these in a positive or negative way, the things that are not related to positive and negative still require you to judge it.

well you think your odds of powerball is unlikely,, a negative reply

your growing cancer, yeah you can look at it from a positive or negative standpoint. if you want to die, hey its positive, if oyu donjt well its pretty negative. hence judging something to be positive or negative.

you judged the shirt to be colorful but when you look at the shirt you are saying in your mind is it a blah colorful or a nice colorful. yeah you can be
thoughtless about it and just say it is . i may not think its colorful you do, we judged the shirt differently.

you judged the spicy pizza, but in the context of how you perceive it, it can be too spicy(negative) or just as spicy as you like it(positive)

that long TV show.. well its long but if it sucked you wouldnt want to be be watching that long show would you?

you judged a house to be old, well how old is old to you? to me it may not be old. but you judged it to be old, i dont.


Well-Known Member
Alas, it is not pragmatic to debate anything with you. Everyone's argument according to you is laughable or nonsensical. You say you knew pain before you knew what society was...but you seem to forget that your parents as well as family and school teachers are all a part of society.

my parents did not teach me pain.. what taught me pain was that first time i hurt myself. did i know what a teacher was until i was like 3? did i know it hurt like hell gettin my ear bit off by a dog? YES, and yes to say pain is taught by society and bad and good dont exist is really laughable and nonsensical IMO sorry.

jointsmith says light and dark dont exist its just shades of gray? Well what is gray? BLACK AND WHITE!!!!!!!!!! its the lightest and the darkest colors combined.

i dont care what you say.. youve never had a gun to your head i have.. its not cool, and to say you would just sit there saying the situation just is, im sorry to me thats pure comedy. yeah i can say that yeah it happened too.

i can bet money if some dude ran up to you and put a mac10 to you or your family members head you will be all but shittin yuor pants in a millisecond. your not gonna look him in the face and say oh it just is if you value your life.

i have an article for you....
Babies as young as 5 months can distinguish an upbeat tune, such as "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, from a lineup of gloomy tunes.

Researchers displayed an emotionally-neutral face for the baby while sad music played. When the baby looked away from the face, the music stopped and a new sad song would start. When the happier "Ode to Joy" played, the babies stared at the face three to four seconds longer, suggesting they were interested in the shift.
By 9 months old, babies can do the opposite, picking out the sorrowful sound of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony from a pack of happy pieces.
The finding is another example of how babies make sense of the world long before they can talk, said Brigham Young University psychology professor and study author Ross Flom.
"One of the first things babies understand communicatively is emotion, so for them the melody is the message," Flom said. "Our study showed that by nine months, babies are categorizing songs as happy or sad the same way that preschoolers and adults do."
The results of the musical study will be published in the upcoming issue of the journal Infant Behavior and Development.
So what makes a happy song?
BYU music professor Susan Kenney, who was not involved with the study, noted some of the technical differences between the happy and sad the babies heard.
"The happy songs were all in major keys with fairly short phrases or motives that repeated," Kenney said. "The tempo and melodic rhythms were faster than any of the sad selections, and the melodies had a general upward direction. Four of the sad songs were in minor keys and all had a slower beat and long melodic rhythms. For an infant to notice those differences is fascinating."


Well-Known Member
I don't live in fear. That is a lower vibrational frequency. I live, at least I try to, live in love. It is a higher vibrational creative energy than fear. If you have any understanding (I'm not calling you stupid or ignorant I'm just saying not a lot of people do) of chakras then you will know what I am referring to.

The root chakra is associated with primal instincts (fear being the most predominant). Fear is very important at least from that primal perspective. Flight or flight response comes from the root chakra.

The second chakra is the sexual chakra. This is where all of our sexual energy comes from.

The third chakra is associated with will power. A lot of martial arts concentrates solely on this chakra because that is where your power comes from. Also that is why you scream "TA" or whatever guttbellowing sound they teach you when you strike. It comes from that chakra.

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. This is where love comes from. The heart chakra is also the middle chakra so it is where the balance between heaven and earth (or upper and lower chakras) meet. That is why love is a higher vibrational frequency than fear.

Fifth chakra is in the throat and involves communication and thoughts.

The sixth is the spiritual eye (intuition, insight) this is moving beyond conception. Conception is for the fifth chakra.

The seventh chakra is the crown chakra located at the top of your head and out into infinity.

Most people are only aware of certain chakras at certain points in their life. The goal of most schools of yoga is to teach you to become aware of all chakras at all times so that you live your life to the fullest potential.

That means rising above fear, above lust, above controlling others with your will power; loving everyone equally (including most importantly true love of the self), using the right thoughts, and eventually moving past thoughts into into intuition and out into infinity.

The believe the truth to be (and you can mock this idea as well) that Infinite Consciousness is each and every one of ours TRUE Nature. We are all infinite possibility. But when we get into this body at this particular moment in time...we are just a manifestation of ONE instance of that Infinite Consciousness.

Not sure what any of this had to do with anything else. Just thought I'd share.


Well-Known Member
you said theres no such thing as light and dark, then in the next sentence you describe electromagnetic energy as light energy? you say we live in a world of varying shades of grey? well what is gray? a combination of black and white, light and dark so your contradicting yourself further proving my point that black and white light dark good bad positive negative whatever you want to call it exists..

are you saying theres no such thing as positive and negative energy?. i may measure something positive that someone else may measure negative. theres no set scale but because everyones mind is different.is positive and negative energy there?
You say that Gray is a 'combination of black and white', however I disagree, and this is my point, Black and white are the extreme shades of the colour GRAY.

See, you're talking in absolutes, but the world doesn't work in absolutes.

You talk about POSITIVE and NEGETIVE, but these are constructs created by THE HUMAN MIND for denoting a measurement of something.

Now, again I'll ask you, how do you measure Good? How do you measure Bad?

[EDIT] What yo're doing is DIGITIZING the world (i.e. making it digital).

In digital, it's either a 1 or a 0, much like you are saying it's either a 'positive' or a 'negative'.....However digital is never going to sound as good as analogue (without distortion) because it can NEVER truely represent what's it's coding, it can only get within a 1 or a 0 of it.


Well-Known Member
lets go back to what you filled in because i was waiting for someone to do that. they were half sentences describing absolutely nothing until you filled it in. now that you filled it and judged everything in the sentence and thought pattern is complete.
so to say things just are and situations just is.. is not an answer. its only halfway there.

that tv show is...LONG

that new shirt you got is..COLOURFUL

that hurricane coming at us is...LARGE

that pizza you made is...SPICY

wow that new house you got really is...OLD

that girl walking down the street is..YOUNG

that cancer i got is..GROWING

damn i won a 200 million dollar powerball that is...UNLIKELY

that weed i just got is..DRY

^notice how the sentence wasnt complete ending in is. you completed the sentences because they were what? incomplete. so to say something just is is an incomplete answer. that was the point i was making. that situations dont make sense if they just are.. its too dumb and easy of an answer.. life is more difficult than that

good evil light dark its all perceived, but they exist in all of our lives in some way.

all your answers require a positive and negative outlook or some type of judgement of the situation to complete the lines.

you judged the weed to be dry you judged the girl to be young, for all you kow shes 30, when you looked at her you judged her to be young.

your perceiving these in a positive or negative way, the things that are not related to positive and negative still require you to judge it.

well you think your odds of powerball is unlikely,, a negative reply

your growing cancer, yeah you can look at it from a positive or negative standpoint. if you want to die, hey its positive, if oyu donjt well its pretty negative. hence judging something to be positive or negative.

you judged the shirt to be colorful but when you look at the shirt you are saying in your mind is it a blah colorful or a nice colorful. yeah you can be
thoughtless about it and just say it is . i may not think its colorful you do, we judged the shirt differently.

you judged the spicy pizza, but in the context of how you perceive it, it can be too spicy(negative) or just as spicy as you like it(positive)

that long TV show.. well its long but if it sucked you wouldnt want to be be watching that long show would you?

you judged a house to be old, well how old is old to you? to me it may not be old. but you judged it to be old, i dont.
I'll concede that some of those answers are SUBJECTIVE, but none of them are a JUDGEMENT, for starters all of the above things are fictional, so how could I 'JUDGE' them?

I don't 'JUDGE' a girl to be young....she's either young (compaired to me) or not, no JUDGEMENT.

I don't 'JUDGE' a cancer to be growing, it's either getting bigger, or getting smaller, or staying the same, where is the JUDGEMENT?

Winning the power ball IS unlikely, its not a negative OR positive reply, it's just a fact.

The Sun coming up tomorrow morning is..... Likely.....is that positive or negative? it's neither, it just is.


Well-Known Member
You say that Gray is a 'combination of black and white', however I disagree, and this is my point, Black and white are the extreme shades of the colour GRAY.

See, you're talking in absolutes, but the world doesn't work in absolutes.

You talk about POSITIVE and NEGETIVE, but these are constructs created by THE HUMAN MIND for denoting a measurement of something.

Now, again I'll ask you, how do you measure Good? How do you measure Bad?

[EDIT] What yo're doing is DIGITIZING the world (i.e. making it digital).

In digital, it's either a 1 or a 0, much like you are saying it's either a 'positive' or a 'negative'.....However digital is never going to sound as good as analogue (without distortion) because it can NEVER truely represent what's it's coding, it can only get within a 1 or a 0 of it.
Very interesting point of view...+REP!


Well-Known Member
You say that Gray is a 'combination of black and white', however I disagree, and this is my point, Black and white are the extreme shades of the colour GRAY.

See, you're talking in absolutes, but the world doesn't work in absolutes.

You talk about POSITIVE and NEGETIVE, but these are constructs created by THE HUMAN MIND for denoting a measurement of something.

Now, again I'll ask you, how do you measure Good? How do you measure Bad?

[EDIT] What yo're doing is DIGITIZING the world (i.e. making it digital).

In digital, it's either a 1 or a 0, much like you are saying it's either a 'positive' or a 'negative'.....However digital is never going to sound as good as analogue (without distortion) because it can NEVER truely represent what's it's coding, it can only get within a 1 or a 0 of it.
Very interesting point of view...+REP!