What Ferts Did You Use Before The Designer Liquid Ferts Came Out?


Well-Known Member
What ferts did you use for your plants when
you were a wee lil one? The days before Fox Farm,
Advanced, Dyna Gro etc...

Chicken & pigeon poop
was the shit back then as well as
fish emulsion, blood & bone meal
for my plants. I would also
unleash some earthworms for the
castings and to help aerate the soil.

What ferts did you use back in the day?


Well-Known Member
Rapid gro. I don't think it's on the market anymore. It was green crystals you mixed with water


Active Member
Cow shit, horse shit, Some fish guts.Had to spray coyote piss around the plants to keep away the critters being drawn to the fish. Still use it in my yard. That was super soil for me back in the day!


Active Member
im 23 been growing with foxfarm for my whole "career" lol wud love to know what u old schoolers did though