What Flower/Veg inside ????!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
Im using an hps i recieved. i just planted a seed of mango kush that a friend gave me a year ago. I have a substantial outdoor garden where my hindu kush and two Ice plants are taking off, my question is, since i REALLY wanna grow some veggies inside under the 18-6 , and possibly a beautiful flower, what should i?if i was doing hydroponic id grow cantaloupe, cucumber, tomatoe, or peppers. No telling. But since im in soil i still havent really decided. Perhaps something like a marigold to keep certain pest possibilities down?? Something scentful? to keep aromas down??

Please let me know yalls opinions! I really want to compare indoor veggies compared to my outdoors, but my outdoor ground is tilled and prepped and all my veggies were pre planted in seed starters that can be placed into the ground.. Ill post a list of what all seed i have when i get back to my field house later this week. My fiance is out there but i like to witness everything first hand as i plant and grow. Not that i dont trust her, lol.Im talking to her and ima have some of my onion, broccoli, peppers (sweet) seeds. I really want to grow one of the two types of watermelon seed i have but trying to figure out how that would work in this closet. nice sized, but not that nice sized.

Opinions Please! What would YOU grow indoors besides the cannabis? What veggie? What fruit?!?!?!?!?! What flower??!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna grow something indoors, I think I would grow something that won't do outdoors....or fresh kitchen herbs. Basil, tarragon, cilantro, thyme, chives...They're always best fresh and have aromatic appeal.
IMHO you can't beat sun and soil for the best veggies.


Well-Known Member
as far as flowers...
about any. what do you like? it will grow. You my need to rest and/or refrigerate some perennials...any annual will work

I have a question...
What happens when you grow root veggies hydro? That might be an interesting experiment.


Well-Known Member
I have almost everything i need to grow hydro. But im going to do soil for a while. I tilled the hell out of some of my land and put in rows with cubenelle peppers, green bells, sweet basil, oregano, rosemary, sweet baby watermelons, another watermelon type, cantaloupe, tomatoes, carrots, onions, broccolli, brussell sprouts, peas, califlower, cucumbers, and more that i cant seem to recall. Ive also started one hindu kush, and two ice a good while back. They are growing like crazy everything is loving this full sun. So , my outdoor garden is quite covered and ill do a journal for it eventually, but for now i want to figure out what all indoors along with my mango kush i planted. Waiting on it to sprout.