What form of silica is best absorbed through foliar feeding?

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Question about AGSIL16H (silica), since it’s sooo alkaline & I plan on foliar feeding, do I need to pH adjust?

I’ve heard that foliar sprays require an acidic pH (pH 4.0 – 6.0) for proper absorption. However, I also feel like I’ve heard that the reason AGSIL16H (silica) is an effective IPM for PM is because of its high alkalinity…
My plan is to use silica as a foliar spray for some clones I just got as a preventative, so my question is do I do need to pH adjust? Or can I get by without pHing?
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the Effects of Foliar Sprays with Different Silicon Compounds
Henk-Maarten Laane
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The use of foliar sprays with silicon compounds is relatively new. Initially (in 1990) foliar sprays with silicates were used. In 2003, foliar sprays with (stabilized) silicic acid were introduced, and more recently foliar sprays with silica nanoparticles have also been applied. Foliar sprays with silicates are effective as pesticides, while (stabilized) silicic acid sprays increase growth and yield and decrease biotic and abiotic stresses. The limited data on foliar silica-nano sprays show a tendency to decrease biotic stress and to stimulate a limited increase in growth and yield.
to read the whole thing, heres the link
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i use diatomacious earth in my grows, so i assume i get enough silica from that, but im now keen to try the folier feeding of silica
If you are in hydro your feed should already be acidic, so just add silicic acid to a half-strength feed and you should be good to go.
You use so little it turns out to be pretty cheap. When I use it as a root feed I use something like 1.3 ml to 10 gals. I forget the foliar ratio but you don't need a lot. A fortnight is 2-weeks.

It is ph neutral.
shocked me how many people didnt know what a fortnight was
i use diatomacious earth in my grows, so i assume i get enough silica from that, but im now keen to try the folier feeding of silica
Sure you get silica after it decomposes, which will take more than one plant cycle. Same with rice hulls.
Silica is gimmicky I ran Cyco full line on one row and just base, potash & swell on second row with identical lighting, airflow and all that in the same room and noticed no difference in yield or quality. Most products "CAN" or "MAY" help you but that's exactly what you should be looking for, products that DO work not that CAN OR MIGHT.

What's better, silicic acid or silicon dioxide? I just looked it up and couldn't really figure out the difference other than texture. I'm using NPK Raw's silicon dioxide right now.
What's better, silicic acid or silicon dioxide? I just looked it up and couldn't really figure out the difference other than texture. I'm using NPK Raw's silicon dioxide right now.
Silicic acid is the only plant available form of silicon. Once assimilated by plants, silicic acid is transported through the xylem to the cells of stems, foliage, and fruits.
the silicon dioxide would have to be broken down further before it would become an available form...im pretty sure. been a while since i studied this stuff
Silicic acid seems to have a lot going for it, I may try it at some point. I use the regular old potassium silicate as a foliar just for its IPM benefits, but I honestly don't think much is actually absorbed. I wouldn't PH it at all, the high PH is what brings about the anti-fungal properties. I've done side by side grows in the past with silica added to the feed and didn't notice a difference, so I dropped it-zero difference in branch strength. I'm sure that some people get an increased yield simply from the potassium, but only if their nutrient regimen isn't optimal to begin with. It seems like neem has dropped out of favor a bit lately, but neem/silica is one of my favorite foliars to use during veg, it creates a really unhospitable environment for PM and any stray insects. I've had this product on my radar for a long time but never tried it-I like that it comes from Montana: https://montanagrow.com/source. I haven't looked into any heavy metal testing for it though, and just an FYI, a lot of commercial sources of silica are heavily contaminated with arsenic. Careful with the diatomaceous earth, that's one product you should always look up the testing for before you buy it.
Silica is gimmicky I ran Cyco full line on one row and just base, potash & swell on second row with identical lighting, airflow and all that in the same room and noticed no difference in yield or quality. Most products "CAN" or "MAY" help you but that's exactly what you should be looking for, products that DO work not that CAN OR MIGHT.

Cyco Silica is made of silicates not silicic acid.