What fungicide/pesticide YOU should use!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here is a little list of resources I put together to better help people answer the question 'What should I use for my plants for pests and other Marijuana issues that's safe?'.

I am not claiming any of this works, or is good for,you or any other claim, but it is state approved, so it's the highest standard I could find. From what I saw during research, the Colorado list is what most states are modeling after.
I also like these lists for knowing what is not state approved to use. Sorry Eagle20 peeps.

And lastly and most importantly for me is the DIY aspect of these lists. Being able to make some of these for a fraction of the price. Also pretty cool to see how many products sold are the same as other.

I hope someone finds use in this.

Allowed: https://drive.google.com/a/state.co.us/file/d/1upPu4MArl5Wcdy0eOgP7fkgFDTTSmQo0/
Not: https://drive.google.com/a/state.co.us/file/d/1OmfTn9McjoqdYEcOi7gE9m7KCNZQMe6n/view?usp=sharing

Allowed: https://www.oregon.gov/ODA/shared/D...PesticidesPARC/GuidelistPesticideCannabis.pdf

Allowed: https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/cannabis/can_use_pesticide.pdf

Allowed https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0...AllowedUseOnMarijuana.pdf?2692164277867650638

Allowed: http://agri.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/ag...ce/MME Pesticide list- 01-09-2017 Updated.pdf

Allowed: https://www.maine.gov/dacf/php/pesticides/documents2/MMJ_Pesticide_Flow_Chart_25b_1-8-2016.pdf

CAN: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-can...es-unauthorized-pest-control-products.html#h2
Once you are anywhere near thinking of flipping to flower don't use anything other than water or fire...
Don't be that guy.
Easy to say inside. You can't stop spraying outside or in the greenhouse. You just have no control.

You can only use 1 brand of 100% cold pressed neem? While I do that... what's the deal with using Neem?

They say don't use spinosad. (Monterey garden insect spray) Why? I've been using it for years, so I am VERY curious as to the reason you shouldn't?
Easy to say inside. You can't stop spraying outside or in the greenhouse. You just have no control.

You can only use 1 brand of 100% cold pressed neem? While I do that... what's the deal with using Neem?

They say don't use spinosad. (Monterey garden insect spray) Why? I've been using it for years, so I am VERY curious as to the reason you shouldn't?
Main reason why I grow my own. I don't need your (the outdoor gardeners') problems getting in to my bloodstream.
Meh. I do as little as possible... I use predatory insects, companion planting, and preventative spray Neem, Spinosad and GH DefGuard throughout vegetation into early flower to prevent invasion from insects and help prevent mold spores from taking hold. My greenhouse is certified organic, and I do nothing different than I do with the vegetables. I would preventative spray if I was inside as well... as should you unless you somehow grow in a clean room where your clothing stays in the room, gets washed before every use, and the air into and out of the room is filtered so as to not allow any insect of spore into the room. So that's the main reason why I don't appreciate the attitude buddy. I get it... you're weed is perfect and you just need tap water and good vibes. I'm just a regular grower trying his best and looking for info. Thanks for not helping.

At the very least, does anyone know anything else besides Spinosad that helps prevent invasion by thrips? I've never found anything that just makes them gone and remain gone like Spinosad.
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You can only use 1 brand of 100% cold pressed neem? While I do that... what's the deal with using Neem?

They say don't use spinosad. (Monterey garden insect spray) Why? I've been using it for years, so I am VERY curious as to the reason you shouldn't?

This is only a guess but maybe they only had the funding to test X amount of products for cannabis specifically. Maybe only products that are certified by xyz company are considered for cannabis application. I don't really know.

Just thought I'd try and add a resource maybe no one has thought to use...
Meh. I do as little as possible... I use predatory insects, companion planting, and preventative spray Neem, Spinosad and GH DefGuard throughout vegetation into early flower to prevent invasion from insects and help prevent mold spores from taking hold. My greenhouse is certified organic, and I do nothing different than I do with the vegetables. I would preventative spray if I was inside as well... as should you unless you somehow grow in a clean room where your clothing stays in the room, gets washed before every use, and the air into and out of the room is filtered so as to not allow any insect of spore into the room. So that's the main reason why I don't appreciate the attitude buddy. I get it... you're weed is perfect and you just need tap water and good vibes. I'm just a regular grower trying his best and looking for info. Thanks for not helping.

At the very least, does anyone know anything else besides Spinosad that helps prevent invasion by thrips? I've never found anything that just makes them gone and remain gone like Spinosad.
>I get it... you're weed is perfect and you just need tap water and good vibes. I'm just a regular grower trying his best and looking for info. Thanks for not helping.
1) You can find multiple threads about my problems, exhibiting my mediocre plants in all their splendor.
2) Using Living Organic Soil, I could use tap water and good vibes - but until I finish this huge bag of Ocean Forest and bubbled tap...
3) My tents are in a spare bedroom in the dirtiest city in the the USA. I wear my shoes in the damn tent and I never had the problems that you either have, or are defending against. It would conceivably sell for as much or more as yours, without subjecting me to the headaches you have.
4) If you want good help; pay for it.
I'm sure you're plants are fine, and you are doing what you can. I'm doing the same, but also not trying to shit all over what you're doing/trying. That's all. Peace though man, were all just here trying to learn and grow. Lets just be civil while we do it I hope.

This is only a guess but maybe they only had the funding to test X amount of products for cannabis specifically. Maybe only products that are certified by xyz company are considered for cannabis application. I don't really know.

Just thought I'd try and add a resource maybe no one has thought to use...

I e-mailed the contact on the not approved in CO list, Michelle Barton, regarding Monterey Garden Insect Spray, asking for further clarification on why it was included on the list:

She wrote back:

Hello xxx,

Monterey Garden Insect Spray is not on the list because its label lists specific crop groups in which cannabis criteria does not fall within.

Thank you for checking on this.


Michele Barton
Pesticide Registration Administrative Assistant

I found this answer a bit hard to interpret, but I think it means that Monterey hasn't paid/studied to have cannabis approved on their labeling, and so the state can't guarantee it on their list. Maybe I got that wrong though.

Anyways, thanks all, I'll probably try the other routes mentioned by @Jypsy Dog next year, and see if I can get preventative success with prerethrin, BT or some combo of surfactants instead.
I'm sure you're plants are fine, and you are doing what you can. I'm doing the same, but also not trying to shit all over what you're doing/trying. That's all. Peace though man, were all just here trying to learn and grow. Lets just be civil while we do it I hope.

I e-mailed the contact on the not approved in CO list, Michelle Barton, regarding Monterey Garden Insect Spray, asking for further clarification on why it was included on the list:

She wrote back:

Hello xxx,

Monterey Garden Insect Spray is not on the list because its label lists specific crop groups in which cannabis criteria does not fall within.

Thank you for checking on this.


Michele Barton
Pesticide Registration Administrative Assistant

I found this answer a bit hard to interpret, but I think it means that Monterey hasn't paid/studied to have cannabis approved on their labeling, and so the state can't guarantee it on their list. Maybe I got that wrong though.

Anyways, thanks all, I'll probably try the other routes mentioned by @Jypsy Dog next year, and see if I can get preventative success with prerethrin, BT or some combo of surfactants instead.

@sensi8739 Awesome man! Good on ya for reaching out to them to get the dl. I figured it had something to do with labeling, or lack of. Just claircle BS.
I just used pyrethrins with piponyl butoxide on my aphid issue. That shit is heavy artillery against those fuckers, and safe to use on fruits and veggies. I will let yall know if it eradicates them or keeps them at bay. So far so good. It is a good thing I have a ornamental and lawn license. I have dealt with aphids, thrips and white fly on a regular basis on all sorts of plants. imidacloprid works well for whitefly and thrips and aphids, but it is systemic and not sure I want to feed systemic. When bugs pierce the leaves, they ingest the insecticide killing them shortly after. Pyrethrins at the right percentage is pretty lethal to those fuckers too. as a topical spray. I have access to super heavy artillery but not safe for inside use, and def not safe to smoke.
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Has anyone tried potassium sorbate? It's on California's can use list. It's my understanding it's a fungicide, based on food science. Based on California's list, it's an insecticide and miticide.