What game are you playing

I'm in a " search and scare the Hell of the miscreant " who lives down the road a mile or so. Just got back....fucking dark up here , no lights anywhere. Anyway mixed up a large container of a very loud explosive......did a few more bongs , shuffled down the road in the mist then let her rip in his front yard infront of his bedroom window.......! Fucking kapow- boom-bang ! Sounded like a mortar. I'm really hoping he shit his bed ! Next one will be much bigger.....it'll rattle the windows. I'll hound him randomly till I'm dead. He's harassed my wife and daughter and spit on me . He has no idea what's coming.
Did not want to play this sick f'ing game but I had no say , the game came " Out Of The Blue " , " Don't Fall Into That Deep , Dark , Scary F'ing Hole And Lose Your Mind " . Now it's a lot more fun if ya don't lose. It's an Old Farts game.
I pretty much have been playing Quake all my life since 1999.

God, I just realized how old that makes me sound... SH*T!
F'ing wild here tonight , something in the air , even the coyotes won't shut the f up.
I'm playing " Battleship " ( adult version ) . It's not real complicated , you just lay on your back with arms at side then..........KAFUCKINGBAM ! You get blown all to Hell !
farthest frontier and frost punk. fun stuff. i'm too old/slow/stoned for shooters anymore. i started with pong in a bar.
" Tiger " is a great f'ing game ! I'd put money on it ! One of the most beloved games around the the globe . Very popular in the 60's 70s .