What glass container can I use to cure large harvests?


Well-Known Member
Well then, get your arse down to the store and get those pasta jars!!! :lol:

I burst out laughing so loud everyone in the room kept asking me "What happened whats so funny?"
I cant tell them Im on a cultivating site so awkward silence plus I just smoked some Blueberry & Im high as a kite weeeeeeeee


New Member
I hear you. I've often wondered if those vacuum bags they sell on TV for clothes will work as well. Same principle, but I think might be better for storage than curing.


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking far & wide for those Tight Vac containers in U.K. but their doesnt seem to be any distributors. I hate it when that happens.


Well-Known Member
The largest being the 2.35 litre is $17.99. Its just not large enough. I think Ill settle for the 1 gallon glass containers found on the net.

Thanks for all the help everyone especially you Crackerjax for the light humour.