what grinds your gears

kether noir

Well-Known Member
everyone and everything grinds my gears. but, more specifically, loud and stupid people. sheep. they need to be lined up, and taken care of.
maybe we can do something productive with the leftovers... i am thinking of body works, do you know of it? ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, i hate the insurance premium that i have to live with for another 7 years, but hot damn am i glad i got convicted for my DUI, if i hadn't then i'd still probably be driving around stoned and drunk thinking "i'm fine, i'm not gonna crash". One of my most important lessons to date which i am very veyr glad i learnt :)


Active Member
1.) When people make you wake outside ridiculously long for them, while they get ready to go.
2.) Monday Mornings
3.) Inconvenient store hours


Well-Known Member
My list:

People who clearly cant drive, theres just some plain ass dumb people out there? I can drive better than shit loads of people when im baked out my face!

When i get discrimnated, or get called a pot head. That shit gets on my tits, labelling someone. Someone would flip if i called them an alcoholic just because they drink every weekend.

When people are tight with there weed even though you clearly share yours out.

LAst one:

Getting a text from a dealer to say, got Blueberry, or whatever, text them , no reply, send another text, no reply! Phone call, answer phone. Are you kidding me? And then when you do get there, its never ehat they say it is, and is always a smaller bag than previously said.

Im done!

Peace x