What happened to optic lighting?

Yeah. No shit. We know that. But why are you babbling like an imbecile?

Ok. So they were sold. And now they have sketchy info on their Amazon page. So what? We're allowed to ask questions without blind fanbois just exploding their emotions on every post like a teenager masturbating to a national geographic cover.

Calm the fuck down.
you guys are the ones counting chickens before they hatch...everybody just expects shit to happen over night
The point was i believed the guy who fashioned the lights had a lot of respect for this community and he listened and gave people a light for those who couldn't make one but all it took was less them a week off growing pains and this poor man trying to get ahead in life and then all these other's world come crashing down simply because you can't get to the website...who's being irrational?

btw i bet he's not poor anymore
The point was i believed the guy who fashioned the lights had a lot of respect for this community and he listened and gave people a light for those who couldn't make one but all it took was less them a week off growing pains and this poor man trying to get ahead in life and then all these other's world come crashing down simply because you can't get to the website...who's being irrational?

btw i bet he's not poor anymore

How old are you?
Yeah. No shit. We know that. But why are you babbling like an imbecile?

Ok. So they were sold. And now they have sketchy info on their Amazon page. So what? We're allowed to ask questions without blind fanbois just exploding their emotions on every post like a teenager masturbating to a national geographic cover.

Calm the fuck down.

Good one! lmao
Well we've proved that we're all willing to overreact over a stupid light and you guys can tell me "told you so" in the next 2 weeks until then have fun growing without your light peace
The point was i believed the guy who fashioned the lights had a lot of respect for this community and he listened and gave people a light for those who couldn't make one but all it took was less them a week off growing pains and this poor man trying to get ahead in life and then all these other's world come crashing down simply because you can't get to the website...who's being irrational?

btw i bet he's not poor anymore

I'm glad you asked. YOU. You are being irrational.

So some fucking forum guy, you respect, made a light and sold the company... So?
And he's a poor guy trying to get ahead in life. "OK"

What the fuck does any of that have to do with anything? What exactly are you trying to say?

The website is down. Are we not allowed to ask why?
It directs us to Amazon. Not THEIR Amazon page, Just Amazon. Are we not allowed to wonder why?
The Amazon page says MW drivers are "Made in America". That HAD to be put there. It didn't accidentally get typed. Are we not allowed to ask why?

Might optic's website come back online in an hour, 2 hours, a week and function as normal as a respectable company? SURE. They might! Are we allowed to question shit until then? Sure!

Might they also come back as 'Twilight-Mars-GoGReen-Optic-Stupetacular' lighting and decide to void all warranty's and talk about their secret sauce spectrum? Sure. That could happen to.

But what does this have to do with chickens, counting, the american way or your blind devotion to defending them when they aren't being attacked?

Stop being such a fucking fanboy and allow people to converse.

Now I got shit to do, So I'm sure you'll quote, re-quote and meme 10 fucking times because you don't know how to talk like an adult with people, So I'll be back when I'm done to... fucking ignore you completely.
And just so we are clear. I think you are a fool, will no longer address anything you say and will troll you like the tool you are. So, By all means, expect intelligent replies from me.
LED fanboys are like foreign made bike riders. For some reason they break their necks explaining why they don't ride Harley's and how their Honda is awesome when nobody gives two shits about what they ride but them.
You guys are the ones still flying off the handle. ..troll me call me fan boi bitch moan do whatever you need to make you feel like your conversing about the light i just didn't want to see the same questions asked again with the same bashing but now I'm stuck in it and your so proud of being rude so sure try and beat me up over the internet
When your building COB based fixtures that use these componets? They don't have to beg people to buy them. Documented results are everything in this niche now.
BTW If your raking dough like optic is over last 8months? Would you vanish overnight?:)
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I have one of their lights. I have no problem with it so far. I like their light. By the off chance I may have a problem in the next five years or however long the warranty is I'd like to be able to contact them, so I as others, were concerned with their website disappearing and being redirected to Amazon.
Call it bashing and/or reporting but I've seen a balance of decent results and fuck ups on Optic's end, and they've had over a year to troubleshoot and overcome common errors, such as COBs prematurely burning up/malfunctioning and wires/drivers coming unloose after being shipped; it's apparent from reading through this thread that even after all this time, Optic hasn't quite figured out all the bugs quite yet.

Granted every company is prone to early-stage fuck ups, they're inevitably expected to hash out their weaknesses and to perfect themselves over time. I haven't seen that happen with Optic, so maybe the new transition of the company ownership will bring forth the ability to perfect their products.

I personally can't get over the fact that Optic's sales/management department didn't properly address it's customers about the change of ownership and failed to provide a route of established communication between them and the ones supporting their past and future success.

For Optic to have @JimmyIndica as their sole intermediary, even at such as paramount time, just goes to show how Optic handles business and the processes that go along with it.
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I own two Optic lights, and for the most part like and respect them.

I'm not 100% sure of this -- because their website is not up and I can't confirm -- but I do not believe they have a "bricks and mortar" store. I believe they are completely an Internet based business.

I worked for 10 years in website design and construction, web business strategy consulting, and corporate website management, and if I had a client whose entire business -- all sales and all client communication -- was based on a website, and that website was down without the simplest (let's go old school) "under construction" page, some sign that there is still someone at the wheel... its unfathomable, in my 10 years it just never happened.

Sure, you can have a fuck up for an hour, or a day, or if there is a huge amount of incompetence in your web department, maybe 48 hours. But several days? With a poorly routed redirect? That shows a level of disorganization that is kind of pathetic. Even if you are transferring hosts or changing your primary IP address, you set up mirror sites at the old and new locations... this is a level of clueless I find a bit disturbing. I know 14 year old kids that could handle this situation better.

But I'm not in the market for a new light, and luckily mine are working at the moment, so I have no skin in this game. I hope they work it out, and soon. The only reason I bothered to write this, is in case someone from Optic Lighting is reading this thread.
I own two Optic lights, and for the most part like and respect them.

I'm not 100% sure of this -- because their website is not up and I can't confirm -- but I do not believe they have a "bricks and mortar" store. I believe they are completely an Internet based business.

I worked for 10 years in website design and construction, web business strategy consulting, and corporate website management, and if I had a client whose entire business -- all sales and all client communication -- was based on a website, and that website was down without the simplest (let's go old school) "under construction" page, some sign that there is still someone at the wheel... its unfathomable, in my 10 years it just never happened.

Sure, you can have a fuck up for an hour, or a day, or if there is a huge amount of incompetence in your web department, maybe 48 hours. But several days? With a poorly routed redirect? That shows a level of disorganization that is kind of pathetic. Even if you are transferring hosts or changing your primary IP address, you set up mirror sites at the old and new locations... this is a level of clueless I find a bit disturbing. I know 14 year old kids that could handle this situation better.

But I'm not in the market for a new light, and luckily mine are working at the moment, so I have no skin in this game. I hope they work it out, and soon. The only reason I bothered to write this, is in case someone from Optic Lighting is reading this thread.

They might. Apparently they aren't getting their emails...