• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What happened to the Democrats??


Well-Known Member
They are lobbying Nancy Pelosi to try to block the new tax legislation from even coming up for a vote in the house of representatives. Even after Obama declared he was for it.

Where is the unity in the Democratic party? Why arent they in lockstep with the messiah?

Very confusing...

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
They are lobbying Nancy Pelosi to try to block the new tax legislation from even coming up for a vote in the house of representatives. Even after Obama declared he was for it.
Good. Obama should be stopped on this. He's a terrible negotiator. He has no business negotiating with congressional republicans while not even inviting congressional democrats to the negotiations. Hopefully Pelosi does the right thing and blocks this.

Where is the unity in the Democratic party?
The democratic party hasn't been unified since JFK. It's a party of diverse opinions.

Why arent they in lockstep with the messiah?
Because they disagree with what he's doing. And no one ever thought he was the messiah. That was always just a cheap nonsense portrayed by faux news.


Well-Known Member
Good. Obama should be stopped on this. He's a terrible negotiator. He has no business negotiating with congressional republicans while not even inviting congressional democrats to the negotiations. Hopefully Pelosi does the right thing and blocks this.

The democratic party hasn't been unified since JFK. It's a party of diverse opinions.

Because they disagree with what he's doing. And no one ever thought he was the messiah. That was always just a cheap nonsense portrayed by faux news.
I actually thought that was a pretty good explanation, so im gonna rep bomb ya.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
If you watch the footage of JFK today you would think wtf he is a republican!
And if you compare the actual policies of Reagan, Nixon, and Eisenhower with conservatives today you'd think those republican presidents liberal democrats.


Well-Known Member
reagan was a madman lmao..... were lucky that the russkies were already on the downslope when he took over!


Active Member
reagan was a madman lmao..... were lucky that the russkies were already on the downslope when he took over!
I'd like you to provide some type of proof (asking a lot, I know) that the russians were on the "downslope" when he took office.

On topic: The demoncrats AND repukes are both screwed. All this hostage talk is making Washington look even "more stupider" to the public.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I can agree with you on Nixon and Esenhower, but Reagan was no liberal.
For most of his presidency he had a 50% tax rate on the rich (ZOMG! SOCIALISM! Reagan stole from the rich!), he gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, grew the size of government dramatically, and deficit spent his way out of a recession. You could argue that Reagan was to the left of socialist president Barrack Obama in a lot of ways. Does that make Reagan a commie? How ironic.

People don't fully understand how far the republican party has moved to the right. They also idealize Reagan's words, forgetting about his actions. But Reagan would be far too liberal to even win a primary today. He might be too liberal to even win a democratic primary in many states. We've gone very far to the right.


Well-Known Member
These democrats have been very childish in their ways since the election of BHO (more so than usual). The republicans haven't been perfect either. Sometimes these kids just wanna fight with each other. And would seem getting something accomplished is out the window...it's all about partisanship between elections and who is in power. BHO was just trying to cover his ass, but to his credit had a compromise that everyone could live with and could have been passed. Now starts the foot stomping of children....but I don't wanna!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
BHO was just trying to cover his ass, but to his credit had a compromise that everyone could live with and could have been passed. Now starts the foot stomping of children....but I don't wanna!
So in your opinion democrats should "compromise" with republicans giving them every thing they want, but there is no problem with republicans voting against every democratic piece of legislation. I'm not sure you understand what the word compromise means.


Well-Known Member
So in your opinion democrats should "compromise" with republicans giving them every thing they want, but there is no problem with republicans voting against every democratic piece of legislation. I'm not sure you understand what the word compromise means.
I assume you are referring the bloated piece of crap called healthcare the majority of american people opposed that the dems attempted to backdoor? But I did say they are not much better. Sooner or later its got to be about more than what each party wants and what is best. It seems at times these politicians on both sides pick a side (whichever they can elected through) and ride it as hard as they can.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I assume you are referring the bloated piece of crap called healthcare the majority of american people opposed that the dems attempted to backdoor?
No. I'm referring to just about every piece of legislation the democrats propose. Including the one's the republicans shot down today. Repealing don't ask don't tell has popular support and significant military support. Yet republicans all voted against it today.

Don't pretend the republicans are unanimously voting against almost every democratic piece of legislation for any reason other than partisans gains.

But I did say they are not much better. Sooner or later its got to be about more than what each party wants and what is best. It seems at times these politicians on both sides pick a side (whichever they can elected through) and ride it as hard as they can.[/QUOTE]

Sooner or later its got to be about more than what each party wants and what is best.
And you're assumption is that republicans always know what's best? Give me a break....

It seems at times these politicians on both sides pick a side (whichever they can elected through) and ride it as hard as they can.
You're insane. Obama goes out of his way to compromise, only to be met with a big middle finger by republicans every time.

Obama passed one of the largest tax cuts in US history and republicans unanimously voted against him, publicly calling him a socialist for it. You're full of shit when you portray this as anything other than the republicans trying to sabotage any progress Obama tries to make for the purposes of gaining republican control.


Well-Known Member
You are hilarious Dan... Obama and the Republicans DID compromise on the tax bill that Pelosi is trying to shitcan.

Are you that partisan that you refuse to see anything that doesnt fit your ideology? The Republicans gave Obama and the Democrats 13 MONTHS of unpaid for unemployment benefit extensions. Now, I dont know what you call that but it sounds like a COMPROMISE to me...

The people that are fighting it are the DEMOCRATS. Look to your own party to see the problems.

And to address the first part of your rant, the DEMOCRATS are in control of the house and senate. They can pass anything they want if it is unanimous. Your own party, you know the DEMOCRATS are not all voting for this great legislation that you blame the Republicans are blocking.

You are still doing the partisan dance and have no clue that they both just fucked us... Hilarious.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You are hilarious Dan... Obama and the Republicans DID compromise on the tax bill that Pelosi is trying to shitcan.
And by compromise you mean that Obama gave republicans everything they wanted and in exchange the republicans continue to vote against every piece of democratic legislation.

Obama compromised, the republicans did not they got there way. Getting your way is not the same thing as compromising. Compromising would involve conceding something equally valuable to democrats. That didn't happen. They gave up very little and in exchange got everything they wanted.

Are you that partisan that you refuse to see anything that doesnt fit your ideology? The Republicans gave Obama and the Democrats 13 MONTHS of unpaid for unemployment benefit extensions. Now, I dont know what you call that but it sounds like a COMPROMISE to me...
So the compromise was Obama gives the republicans their number one priority and in exchange republicans stop holding American citizens hostage on one issue. Some "compromise".

The people that are fighting it are the DEMOCRATS. Look to your own party to see the problems.
The democrats should fight this. Obama is wrong.

And to address the first part of your rant, the DEMOCRATS are in control of the house and senate. They can pass anything they want if it is unanimous.
And unless the democrats get unanimous support, the republicans block it. How is that ok? If the democrats did that to a republican administration you'd be the first one to be screaming bloody murder about it, but since it's the republicans are the one's doing it, you're fine with that.

lol. You don't want reason, you don't want compromise, I don't even think you want what is best for the American people. It seems like you just want your team to win power. What you're defending is absolutely absurd. If you think it's ok for republicans to block every piece of legislation, but democrats are the one's acting in a partisan manner, then you're not based in reality at all. That is not a valid point of view. I don't even think you seriously believe what you are saying right now. No reasonable person would.


Well-Known Member
I am a libertarian, I dont have a team.

I want to see smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation, a balanced budget, etc...

I dont care about parties, I care about issues.

Here is the deal Dan.... The president cannot get a better deal right now. And if the congress goes home before unemployment gets continued then alot of people are going to go through a month or two of no payments. And if the congress goes home before the middle income taxes go through the middle class is going to take a significant hit to their paychecks starting in January.

And if the Democrats continue to dig in their heels they will look like the problem and the Republicans will look like hero's when they pass legislation even more favorable to them in January.

But hey, yeah, cheer them on... The ones witholding paychecks for the unemployed... Go DEM'S!!


Well-Known Member
Oh dan! It looks like the only one screaming party here is you. As far as don't ask don't tell...I'm not military, but I generally disagree with most of the super christian republican postures. Democrats want to tell everyone what do with their money...Repubs want to tell you what values to have. The bottom line is that gov needs to get out of our way and be the support it was intended for. As I said, they are both childish. If I seem a little biased against democrats more it's because we are in a recession and they are fiscally retarded ...and that's the priorty. Obama has not reached across till now. Let's face it, he didn't have to. He ramroded that 2000 page POS bill down our throats and has done nothing for job creation and the economy in 2 years. On this path, he will go down as one of the worst presidents in History.


Active Member
i might only been 24 and a big stoner and be high right now so that might be why i dont know what the fuck you guys are talking about


Well-Known Member
For most of his presidency he had a 50% tax rate on the rich (ZOMG! SOCIALISM! Reagan stole from the rich!), he gave amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, grew the size of government dramatically, and deficit spent his way out of a recession. You could argue that Reagan was to the left of socialist president Barrack Obama in a lot of ways. Does that make Reagan a commie? How ironic.

People don't fully understand how far the republican party has moved to the right. They also idealize Reagan's words, forgetting about his actions. But Reagan would be far too liberal to even win a primary today. He might be too liberal to even win a democratic primary in many states. We've gone very far to the right.
Could i get some of what your smokin? The ruling class has redefined the meaning of Left, they have jerked the wheel hard left and started down the cliff. You must not know very much about Reagan.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I am a libertarian, I dont have a team.
And by that you mean you have never voted for a democrat in your life, have voted republican in every presidential election, agree with republicans on almost every issue, and constantly defend them. Other than that, you totally don't have a team.

Here is the deal Dan.... The president cannot get a better deal right now.
Because republicans don't vote for bills based on the merits of the bill, they vote as a collective against everything they think might make Obama/democrats look good. Apparently you think that is perfectly reasonable.

And if the Democrats continue to dig in their heels they will look like the problem
When you say things like this it leads me to believe that you're either insane, the most ignorant person on planet earth, or you don't actually believe what you're saying. I think it's the last one.