What happened to this site??


Well-Known Member
When you start talking about how good everything was back in the day and how much everything sucks now, Your getting too old and boring.


Well-Known Member
I mean old as a state of mind, not actual age. I know someone will take offense to my previous post.


Well-Known Member
Im 26 so not to old but yes my state of mind may be, I don't completely agree with that though.. I'm a PC gamer, ride sportbikes, drag race, skydive and many other activities that are modern and I wouldn't consider boring or "old". I don't think that everything sucks now or that old ways are better.. In general in most ways things are getting better, just not the new age of social interaction on the internet and blatant disregard for civilized interaction. While yes its just the internet, the younger kids growing up spending time on the internet seeing how people treat one another cannot be good for social development. I just value being helpful and nice to another person especially if that person does nothing to warrant the negative actions. If that makes me old and boring then O well....

Stark Raving

Active Member
I haven't been around here long, (and I've only been growing a few years, so I still consider myself somewhat inexperienced) but I do have some experience with forums. I run a fairly large one. I found that as the forum grew and more people noticed it, the quality of discussion definitely declined. It was a very amicable forum when there were just a couple hundred members, but it seems that as it grew, the older, more friendly members grew tired of the newer members coming on and being negative. Kind of a snowball effect.

I think if the people that are positive stick around, and continue with good advice and encouragement, a balance will eventually be struck. Everything goes through phases, and perhaps a more negative vibe on RIU is just a phase? I hope so, because although I've seen a lot of nastiness in my short time here, I've also found some great info and some really great people. To those who are positive: please stick around for the sake of those of us who appreciate your advice and experience!


Active Member
Oh well, what do you expect. Not everything can be rainbows and butterflies all the time. No website is perfect, but RIU is by far the best in my opinion. Theres ignorant douchebags everywhere, in real life and on the internet. Sometimes I want to call them on their shit... but most of the time I find it's easiest to just ignore em. Not worth the time or energy arguing with an idiot, lol


Well-Known Member
Oh well, what do you expect. Not everything can be rainbows and butterflies all the time. No website is perfect, but RIU is by far the best in my opinion. Theres ignorant douchebags everywhere, in real life and on the internet. Sometimes I want to call them on their shit... but most of the time I find it's easiest to just ignore em. Not worth the time or energy arguing with an idiot, lol
Aint that the truth, guess I was just sad to see RIU falling victim even more to what has happened to most forums on the interwebs. Like you said RIU is the best of all the forums that serve this niche, if it wasn't for this site I would not know most of what I do now about growing and not made some of the good friends that I have. Leave my RIU alone ya damn trolls and underage kids!! lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
all that has happened is continued growth of the site, like stark raving mentioned. the more people, the more newbs, the more repeat questions, the more older knowledgable members get tired of answering them, the more douchebag comments. then you get all these "thanks for nothing i'm going to grasscity" comments from people who ask a question that is currently being discussed in the thread DIRECTLY BELOW them, or a bunch of newbs answering questions with textbook quotes because they are fishing for rep. it's not new. trolls are not new. i agree it's not needed to flame someone for asking repeat questions but at a certain point it needs to be explained to them that people can't just sit there and answer to 50 threads on the same topic. we should be glad we have enough members for this to even occur. some sites get no traffic at all.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I rejoined back in July (I think) after being away for a while. I have noticed a BIT of a difference, but there are always those who HAVE to be right. As a rule, I will generally back out before getting into a verbal trainwreck (not always tho). What is TRULY sad is that when people who really know their shit get into it. I lost a little respect for a couple of them here recently. Newbies see this and what are they gonna think when the guys they should be listening to go at it like 5 year olds?

We all started out as newbies. Shit, looking back, I asked some of the STUPIDEST questions (OK, maybe not), and asked the same question that was only a few threads away. If we can't pass on what we know CIVILLY, why are we here?


Staff member
I've been on here since 08 everythings the same some people left new people join. Its the internet if you don't come across 5 or more assholes and idiots then you're clearly doing the internet wrong. how she goes take it or leave it.
generally I'd say 90% or more is nice loving grow users who are helpful, mature, and funny. the other 10 % is spam and retards..


Sorry to hear your getting the kind of responses that I'm talking about, I guess best thing is to try and sort out the good guys from the bad and get your information from them. You can gladly PM me anytime with questions and I will try to answer them the best I can or steer you in the right direction at least.


Well glad to see I'm not the only one making these observations but at the same time I wish it wasn't the case. I do see some old names floating around still and some of the newer members are indeed helpful and mature. Just sad that the trolls and misinformation tend to overshadow them.

I hope the best for the younger generations coming up in the world but sometimes the outlook is questionable lol...
Well thank you Sik. I have just posted in the outdoor grow forum. If you wouldn't mind taking a look at my girl, I'd appreciate it. :-)


Well-Known Member
RIU- Retarded Immature Useless.
just sayin this site wsnt what it was just a year ago when i first joined. Had i just found this site now, i wouldn't have signed up.