What happened

I am into the second week of flowering. I now notice that roots that were protruding from the basket are not therenow. I can see some roots in the clay pellets but they seen to be disappearing. Can this be remedied?


Well-Known Member
theyrr air pruning? i wouldnt worry about it if the plant looks healthy, or repot it..some more info will help, or pics
theyrr air pruning? i wouldnt worry about it if the plant looks healthy, or repot it..some more info will help, or pics
Well for starters it's an autoflowering strain known as easyryder. During the vegging it started flowering with light cycle still at 24/7. Now 2 weeks into the 12/12 cycle the upper leaves especially the last 2 leaves closest to the flowering top of the plant just turned light yellow in just 24 hrs. All others seen to be the same green color that it always was. I did however switch nutes from grow to bloom. I use dyna grow and with the res. Change switched to the bloom nutes with the addition of bud candy and big bud. Leaves on another strain did show some tip burn ( la blanca) but it's very very slight only the very point of the tip so I rechecked the ph; was at 5.7,I use a ph meter it's digital and calibrated perfectly. I added a half Fallon of water to the 4 gallon res. That plant is growing nice got to clones off her both are doing great. I'm thinking it's nearing it's final stage of life as the flower is sticky smelly and the surrounding bud leaves are really showing lots of whiteness on and around the top. Is it possible it's ready? Also can I bring it back into veg and bid it again.


Active Member
Autoflower strains are usually kept on a light cyle of 18/6 or 20/4 for the entire harvest. Turning back the lights to 12/12 should only be done if the plant isn't budding. I would like to know how your clones come out, as most growers don't bother to take clones from autoflowering strains. Also, it's up to you after it buds, but I wouldn't waste the space that a potential healthy plant could be using on a plant that's already been harvested and stressed to shit.
Autoflower strains are usually kept on a light cyle of 18/6 or 20/4 for the entire harvest. Turning back the lights to 12/12 should only be done if the plant isn't budding. I would like to know how your clones come out, as most growers don't bother to take clones from autoflowering strains. Also, it's up to you after it buds, but I wouldn't waste the space that a potential healthy plant could be using on a plant that's already been harvested and stressed to shit.
The clones were taken off a different strain called La Blanca it's a photoperiod strain it's got a few hairs comming out now. They are doing great but my main concern was the easyryder auto flowering. I didn't know why the roots disappeared and why the top 2 leaves turned yellow just overnight. I wanted to return that plant back into vegging so I could clone it. But because they auto flower I gotta get them cuttings before it goes to flower. Thanks for the lighting info. Is it too late to bring the cycle back to 20/4 safely without harming the plant or just let itfinnish the way it's set now. 12/12.
Yes it's a second attempt at it. First time was nothing but death and mutations. Thank god the seeds I started that with didn't cost anything. My second try went much better,it's all learning the hard way for my ass. Now I know what to do and it's going ok. The roots disappearing gave me a scare but I've read up on air pruining and I think it's more that the plant is maturing faster than I thought.