What happens to plant when it revegs?


Active Member
OK long story short, I think my plant might have revegged on me. Not certain. The tips on one plant have twisted a little sideways. Question: will a plant go back into flower? What will happen to the plant if it does go back into flower? Will the plant still be worth growing if it did reveg?


If your plant has re-veg'd you will notice new growth coming from the nugs (not growth like buds, but new shoots growing out of it). The plant will look funny; that's as much as I've got to see from a plant reveg cuz my fu ck'n neighbor stole it. but lil steams and leaves coming out of ur nugs is the sign of a re-veg'd plant.


Active Member
My plant was working towards flowering before I had a ph problem, then I repotted. I just hope the shock didnt send it back into veg at a critical time. I haven't seen any growth out of nug, but it doesn't have any nugs just yet. Although I believe it was in flowering mode when I repotted. My plants an autoflower by the way.

Your neighbor stole your plant? How do you know he took it? Sorrry to hear that man.


Autoflowers are different, but I think you should be fine; Time will tell tho. Ya, it was an outdoor plant a friend gave me and it was already flowering and I put it into 24hrs of light so it started actin all funny like re-veg'd plants do. Needless to say I live next to a bunch of piece of shits who get section 8 and them and their friends broke into my house and stole a buncha merch (lcd tv,computer monitor, cash, 2 MJ plants, etc). I found out it was them 3 months later after another neighbor had the samething happen to him. Same MO (stole the computer monitor, but not the computer, trashed the place throwing stuff around, eating food *WTF*). Needless to say I caught them trying to break into his house again and called the POPO but they quit doing it before 5-0 got there. A couple days later the neighbors computer monitor ended up in one of their cars. They're a buncha lil kids and they know I know they did it and they still try and ask me for favors (can u fix my bike?) WTF eat a dick *slap*. Ya, but b/c of what I do I have to maintain that level of respect for them. FUCK PEOPLE -nt-