what happens when u smoke seeds

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Ive got a hemp t-shirt i might stick it in my bong in a bit lol
haha yeah i was in grade 6 or 7 at the time, some idiot told me it works, so i tried and it tasted like burning plastic, fuckin asshole. watched some old home videos of my 5th birthday and I was inhaling the the fuckin smoke from the candles after i blew them out....I think i was born to smoke.


Well-Known Member
If you are really looking to get high take a tablespoon of powdered cinnamon and swallow it...good luck and god speed


Well-Known Member
When i was locked up i watched this fool who was jonesing dip a buggeler ciggerette in some toilet bowl cleaning chemicals,he let it dry then smoked that bad boy :spew:.

I was secretly wishing his head would swell up right before my eyes but all he got was a massive migrane headache.


Well-Known Member
you know whats better than smoking seeds ... smoking a really big fat shit . What an idiot lol and I was actually laughing at the person who said smoke a hemp t-shirt . Funny shit man :D


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i was in grade 6 or 7 at the time, some idiot told me it works, so i tried and it tasted like burning plastic, fuckin asshole. watched some old home videos of my 5th birthday and I was inhaling the the fuckin smoke from the candles after i blew them out....I think i was born to smoke.

Ahhh, to be young, dumb and full of.... well anyways, those were the days weren't they! Trying to smoke seeds, stems, oregano, basil or eating wild weeds or trying something just because someone's big brothers buddy said he got a head change off of it...

PS. Nepali, nice avatar! got one of those T's myself....LOL