If you're dead you can't experience anything, so it will be neither good nor bad....
OP: Why do you define the existence of a soul as, 'having intelligence to contemplate ones existence'? How do you know this or who told you, and how do they know this? Seems to me you just described the brain, as that's the origin of our intelligence. Unless of course you're suggesting mentally handicapped people with diminished intelligence also have diminished souls. I guess if their condition was bad enough, maybe by your definition, they wouldn't even have a soul. Poor soulless bastards... lol
What does the soul control? We know where the logical, emotional, spacial, cognitive, etc., etc., etc., areas of the brain are, what they do, and how those areas communicate with one another through electro-chemical processes and whatnot. So, what does the soul, 'do'? It's not for memory, or dreaming, or doing logical thought, creative pursuits, etc., ad nauseum, so what is its purpose?
Is it like a separate brain that also has the ability to contain memories, emotions, and the higher cognitive functions? If we have an ethereal 'brain', why do we need a physical brain? Seems pretty redundant and nonsensical.