What has happened to my plants? Help me ASAP!


Active Member
Hello all, and pleased to make everyones acquaintance. I come to you in a time of need, but plan to stick around and report my results. The first picture depicts my plants 2 days ago. They were raised on 24/0 lighting with about 70 total watts of cfl light. I wanted to see how they liked a little darkness, so yesterday I turned the lights off for 8 hours. When I returned to them they looked as they do in the next photos. What in the hell happened and how can I save my kids?

I watered them and shut the lights off about 2 hours later. When I came back 8 hours later this is what i saw. I have had the lights on non stop since i discovered this new condition and they only look worse than last night.

I need help A.S.A.P. Thanks!


Active Member
Yes that indeed sounds logical. I will keep on keepin on and hope they recover. Ill post pics of their recovery and their journey into adulthood.


Well-Known Member
yeah id say over watering when did u water them last compaired to when you turned the lighs off


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Why did you shut the light off for 8 hours? Why not go 18/6? The soil doesn't look too wet, how often do you water? I soak it good each watering and let it almost dry out between. I have never seen that from shutting the light off though. :confused:


Active Member
I watered them 2 hours before the lights went off. They were fine when i turned the lights off but I returned to see the deathdroop. The photo of them drooping was taken 10 minutes ago


Active Member
Why did you shut the light off for 8 hours? Why not go 18/6? The soil doesn't look too wet, how often do you water? I soak it good each watering and let it almost dry out between. I have never seen that from shutting the light off though. :confused:
I was in the mountains at the casino playing dollar slots, spaced out and didnt realize how long I had been gone. Sped home once I realized the time, which was 8 hours of darkness...woops. I Left the casino $80 up though!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I was in the mountains at the casino playing dollar slots, spaced out and didnt realize how long I had been gone. Sped home once I realized the time, which was 8 hours of darkness...woops. I Left the casino $80 up though!
I would suggest a timer, lol. Do you have a fan going?


Active Member
I have a fan going. As im touching the soil the top layer is really hard and crusty, and there is what appears to be mineral residue on some leaves. I have been using tap water which is probably too hard. I will begin using distilled if these guys show any signs of life.
This is my first grow and they are about a month old. I've got seeds germinating if worse comes to worse.


Well-Known Member
im not a prow grower but usually i water my plants right before i put them in the light to germenate... so that it can actuall use the water to grow instead of justsitting there


Active Member
Here is how they look today, more grim than before. I just gave em a little water because the soil was bone dry.
Im losing hope.


New Member
Are you using potting soil? Potting soil is extremely difficult to remoisten once it has been allowed to dry out all the way.

To me it looks like you've been letting them get too dry in between and now when you water the water runs straight through.

If it was me I'd keep them moist for a while and see if they perk up, then when they do, don't let them get all the way dry like that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Are you using potting soil? Potting soil is extremely difficult to remoisten once it has been allowed to dry out all the way.

To me it looks like you've been letting them get too dry in between and now when you water the water runs straight through.

If it was me I'd keep them moist for a while and see if they perk up, then when they do, don't let them get all the way dry like that anymore.
agree..... when you water use more water i don't think its overwatering at all


Active Member
mine are doing the same thing i dunno what it is .... i tried to cut off the watering but apprently it didnt do nothing .. i watered them more and it didnt do nohting .. the deathdrop continues!


Active Member
Hi all,

Its my experience that you'll probably be better off to go ahead as mentioned with the seeds germinating and you'll probably end up using them.

I read a contradiction which is that there was mention of too much water and then .... not enough. I doubt you'll come away a winner if you try to cure both of those problems :) ... so pick a direction and dr towards it.

I can tell you that pot prefers not enough to too much. What it really likes is to be flushed with water twice a day and then left dry the rest of the time.

How often do you water? Memory should suffice to tell ... was the soil often very dry when you watered or was it still moist (under the top crust) and you went ahead and watered it anyway.

A good rule of thumb is if you return to water and the soil is still moist from the last time ... you should probably back off a bit.

It also depends on the soil as to how often to water. Some soils will retain moisture better than others.

I agree once potting soil dries out it can be difficult to get it back to original shape.


any chance you watered with a container that was tainted?

Do you have enough light to support a plant once it starts out of infancy? (I couldn't tell)

Do you have the proper spectrums .. I think its blue for new and red for dead (meaning you're on the last part of the growing process)

The plants the way they are drooped over ... make me think its too much water. The reason I think that is if they were drooped from lack of water then the watering you gave them in the picture should have been very adequate to have perked them up and they perk up in a very short amount of time if the reason for drooping is truly lack of water.

Too much on the other hand can be devasting. Plants can seem to go into a stall and just never really seem to come out of it ... not in comparison to if you went ahead and started with new crop. In other words you can spend more time trying to save the plants than if you started over with something you know isn't diseased, or I guess they could just be depressed. Maybe they've seen too much of Jack Black in his tighty-whities lately. I know it always depresses me. :)

Looking at the soil it does look dry. Its pretty easy to tell. just stick your fingers down in there and root around a bit. if you come out with moisture/moist soil on your hands then its getting wet enough.

growing inside I would suggest setting up a watering plan and then sticking to it with making only slight adjustments as you go along.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hello all, and pleased to make everyones acquaintance. I come to you in a time of need, but plan to stick around and report my results. The first picture depicts my plants 2 days ago. They were raised on 24/0 lighting with about 70 total watts of cfl light. I wanted to see how they liked a little darkness, so yesterday I turned the lights off for 8 hours. When I returned to them they looked as they do in the next photos. What in the hell happened and how can I save my kids?

I watered them and shut the lights off about 2 hours later. When I came back 8 hours later this is what i saw. I have had the lights on non stop since i discovered this new condition and they only look worse than last night.

I need help A.S.A.P. Thanks!
In that second picture, that soil looks BONE DRY. You sure you watered it with in a few days of that photo? You been hiting the Chronic? I think it needs water.

If you gave me those plants, I would fill the sink with PH'd water and sit those plants in that water for about 15 minutes. Then not water them for about 3-4 days.


Active Member
looks to me to be a drainage issue...do u have any drain holes in ur pots, if not all that water not being used by ur babies is just sittin in the bottom of ur pot which would be why the soil looks dry from the surface but underneath they're floatin.


Active Member
ok well i could be wrong but the first thing that comes to mind is maybe a nutriennt lock..?... are you over fertalizing...cause i think you can plug up the roots (not burning) them...( which you may have done that too?) but i believe the cure is to get calcium into the soil...