What has Trump done to this country?

i believe Beau is a very moderate republican which is a democrat here now..there are a few things recently i've had issue with but we've been so busy with others. one thing bothered me which makes me understand that deep down inside a lion is a lion, some things are very hard wired.

Lincoln Project ideology? you need a psychopath to fight a psychopath..we don't have the stomach for it but it's what's required, friend..
yep yep yep

Democrats want to explain everything. Blah blah blah. Kerry, Gore, Obama, Clinton. All were windbags. Biden might actually be helped by his stutter in that he doesn't talk as much. Elizabeth Warren, as much as I liked her, was the same as other Democrats. Bernie too. Beau too.

Democrats are attracted to logical debate. Republicans are repelled by it. "Mission Accomplished" "Build the Wall"

Enter the Lincoln project. Republicans against Trump. For good measure, they are trying to teach Democrats their craft. I don't know if that will take but the messages they convey on their videos are well targeted for Republicans.

Jared Kushner is angry over this? Their problem is Trump. Yet they want to kill the messenger. Trump logic.
In the coming chaos some might jump ship. One thing I like to do is get inside the othersides head, to the extent you can with those who are mad. Imagine a landslide in nov. What are the immediate consequences of that? Think all those pissed off assholes who lost their jobs and power because Trump led them to disaster and they had to carry his bullshit are going to continue to support him for over 2 months? Think some of these cutthroats are gonna run for cover immediately? These clowns are undergoing the ultimate stress test right now, with a covid catastrophe, the world recovered and carrying Donald and his baggage on their backs? Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, they will get hammered at the state level too and next year is redistricting and H.R.-1 and a slew of other election laws and regulations. Fox news is fucked or should be and facebook has more power than any broadcaster, regulation is coming. In 2022 many of the GOPs advantages will be swept away by new laws and the continuing news and investigations of Trump's treason will haunt the republicans running then too.

This is and the "manual" is why I'm optimistic about America, change is bottom up driven (organising) and top down implemented (keep at it). We are living in multicultural societies as well as melting pots, people screw more than they kill each other for a reason! :D

they're doing what they did last time except we have a pandemic now..making plans for after November. Pence and Kellyanne's New Face are going on religious tour confirmed.

nobody wants trumps* shitty swag.

Another moron with woman issues, one less vote for Trump. Right Wing terrorism or a loser, is there a difference?

Murder of men's rights activist linked to suspected shooter of federal judge's family, FBI confirms

(CNN)Authorities have evidence linking Roy Den Hollander, the men's rights attorney suspected of shooting a federal judge's family on Sunday, to the murder of another men's rights activist in California last week, FBI Newark spokeswoman Doreen Holder confirmed.

"As the FBI continues the investigation into the attack at the home of US District Court Judge Esther Salas (District of New Jersey), we are now engaged with the San Bernardino California Sheriff's Office and have evidence linking the murder of Marc Angelucci to FBI Newark subject Roy Den Hollander," she said in an email to CNN.

Altogether, the FBI connection suggests that Den Hollander allegedly killed his perceived rival, attacked the family of a perceived judicial enemy and then killed himself.

Den Hollander was found dead on Monday from what two law enforcement sources said is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. An "anti-feminist" attorney with a long list of personal grievances and sexist and racist views, he is suspected of fatally shooting Salas's son and injuring her husband at the family's New Jersey home.
this poor, sweet man..he had no idea..

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'remember your oath'..garnered a beating and broken hand.

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Maybe this guy will show up, he has lots of courageous friends too. Lead from the front and when the shit hits the fan enough, he will.

Russel Honoré on Feds in Portland: 'What kind of bullsh-t is this!?'

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré is blasting the Trump administration for deploying anonymous federal agents into Portland, OR as the administration suggests it might do the same in more U.S. cities.
Yep it's images like that that peel away Trump's support the most, they can respect and admire that guy and are paranoid about big guberment, or are suppose to be, I image some of in sunk in.

yup..bet he would put his boots and jacket on to help dig your car out in a snow storm or maybe he brings in your garbage cans when your working?

Navy Vet.jpg
I figure after the red states are bitch slapped by reality and stomped by mother nature, there might be some political change on a state level too, perhaps a cultural shift as well, great and tragic events can do his. We are living through a very important time in American history a critical juncture where the road ahead can lead to the light, or darkness and death, I at least call it the struggle for the soul of a nation and it is epic. We make history though, make sure you make some at the polls in november.
Trump is a crook, but this is also the product of being a malicious moron with an IQ of 78. No logical person of reasonable intelligence would do this for purely pragmatic reasons, if not for the usual ones. Donald cannot see future consequences or discounts them while driven to delusion. He knows nothing and bullshits about everything, boy would Shakespeare ever like to see this guy in action, King lear, McBeth, Jesus what he could come up with! But as everybody says, ya can't make this shit up and truth is in deed stranger than fiction. Ironically one of the things Donald really hates is someone profiting off his name, fortunes will be made with books, movies TV series, etc, fortunes have been made on Trump books, all of which shit on him unmercifully. Donald won't see a dime, but he will squeal if he can, if only to the secret service guard stationed outside his supermax cell, the guy who shoves his meals through the grub hole in the door, then slams it shut.

BTW yer lawyer called again with more pro bono news...
Trump tells his ambassador to UK to "get" British Open for his Turnberry golf course. Grift much?

The New York Times reported that Trump told his ambassador to Britain, Robert "Woody" Johnson (owner of the New York Jets) to tell the British government to hold the British Open golf tournament at Trump's Turnberry resort in Scotland. This begs the question, why do Trump and his criminal associates continue their crimes, corruption and abuses in plain sight? Might Trump have a desk drawer full of pre-printed pardons ready to go for his criminal associates? If so, will they successfully shield the recipients from criminal prosecution. Just as a president can't pardon himself, according to legal scholars and a 1974 DOJ Office of Legal Counsel memo, the courts are likely to rule that a president can not corruptly pardon his criminal associates. Here's why.
Another moron with woman issues, one less vote for Trump. Right Wing terrorism or a loser, is there a difference?

Murder of men's rights activist linked to suspected shooter of federal judge's family, FBI confirms

(CNN)Authorities have evidence linking Roy Den Hollander, the men's rights attorney suspected of shooting a federal judge's family on Sunday, to the murder of another men's rights activist in California last week, FBI Newark spokeswoman Doreen Holder confirmed.

"As the FBI continues the investigation into the attack at the home of US District Court Judge Esther Salas (District of New Jersey), we are now engaged with the San Bernardino California Sheriff's Office and have evidence linking the murder of Marc Angelucci to FBI Newark subject Roy Den Hollander," she said in an email to CNN.

Altogether, the FBI connection suggests that Den Hollander allegedly killed his perceived rival, attacked the family of a perceived judicial enemy and then killed himself.

Den Hollander was found dead on Monday from what two law enforcement sources said is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. An "anti-feminist" attorney with a long list of personal grievances and sexist and racist views, he is suspected of fatally shooting Salas's son and injuring her husband at the family's New Jersey home.

if only the nut cases would focus on el presidente.
Maybe this guy will show up, he has lots of courageous friends too. Lead from the front and when the shit hits the fan enough, he will.

Russel Honoré on Feds in Portland: 'What kind of bullsh-t is this!?'

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré is blasting the Trump administration for deploying anonymous federal agents into Portland, OR as the administration suggests it might do the same in more U.S. cities.

i don't know..how many choices of bullshite do we get?
Trump — who four years ago campaigned on a pledge to eliminate the national debt in eight years — has otherwise not concerned himself much with the amount of red ink dripping from the government’s ledger.


During his administration, the size of the national debt has ballooned from $19.9 trillion on his inauguration to $26.5 trillion today. The Treasury Department said last week that the nation’s budget deficit grew to a record-high $864 billion in June.