What has Trump done to this country?

I agree Fox is a bit biased towards Trump.

The best website to cruise free factual information is www.apnews.com.

Facebook and Youtube are dangerous because they are being used by the Russian military to pump out propaganda on a epic level that they can send to you on whatever platform you happen to use a lot (Guessing if you found this political forum, posting online is not a new experience for you).

Trump was making a couple million from Daddy by the age of 2 years old, never really did anything but get paid by his dad to spend money until he inherited it and started to wash foreign dictator money through his properties. He is basically a old guy version of Paris Hilton who is way too cozy with foreign dictators.
I'll check it out
And the teeth? Veneers, right? The nose, the breasts and what not.

which one you talking about? Ivanka? she had NOSE, BREAST and CROWNS minimally and her eye color is BROWN however, she wear green contacts because green is the rarest form of eye color and Princess is rare..her hair color is brown, too. funny, she looks a lot like Eric in the first group of photos. Don Jr. looks like the mexican maid that services Trump Tower PH.


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Trump hasn't just torn families and friends apart, now this fracture is having a big impact on companies. Despite having a mandatory mask policy, my co-workers have backslid on wearing them. About nine out of forty of our employees are refusing and local top management is allowing it. I have politely asked those who I do not manage with extremely (underlined) unprofessional results. I would love to post the recordings and photos but it would likely dox me and fuck up the lawsuit I will soon be filing. This is likely happening all over the country.

Meanwhile, our county is now in a state of emergency with high Covid growth.

It's a perfect storm about to blow up here.