What has Trump done to this country?

2 GOP senate seats up for grabs in Georgia this time around and Joe is gaining, Florida is about the same and Texas is close to flipping too. 10%+ newly register voters in Texas so far and the voting rules are changed.
2 New Polls Put Joe Biden & Democrats Ahead in Georgia
I’m wondering, if trumpers were given the all clear sign and were told that the rest of the world wouldn’t hold it against them, would any of them admit that he’s a wreck and definitely not presidential material?
Of course the conspiracy kooks are going nuts saying Biden was wearing a wire this morning, which is sort of like admitting Biden did much better than everyone expected last night and he could have only done it by cheating.
Even my Dad, who is not a trump supporter but still gets sucked in to the "Biden being senile" propaganda thought Biden held his ground and proved a lot of people wrong.
I just read an article stating that most of the requested mail-in ballots were by democrats in 5 swing states. 52% dems to 23% reps.
Hopefully that's a great sign that people are motivated to vote this asshole out.
Anybody else notice , how much more greasy orange trump looked ?

Tweakin i guess.

i've noticed lately that he looks this way and i think he's trying to look 'dewy' but ends up looking greasy- he's a 74 year old man- men aren't supposed to look dewy just women. it just makes him look older not youthful.