What has Trump done to this country?

Trump administration refuses California wildfire disaster aid
The Trump administration rejected California's emergency aid declaration for recent wildfires in the state that scorched nearly 1.9 million acres, destroyed over 3,300 homes and other structures, and killed at least three people.

Trump administration refuses California wildfire disaster aid
The Trump administration rejected California's emergency aid declaration for recent wildfires in the state that scorched nearly 1.9 million acres, destroyed over 3,300 homes and other structures, and killed at least three people.

He created the problem that he will be the solution to and pretend to be CA's savior. He probably found out CA has more registered republicans than any other state.Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 8.54.43 AM.png
Canuck can screw you so bad you'd have to grow a new asshole to fart. Demonstrate your prowess in debate by explaining about these echoes you hear and why they obviously disturb you? Feel free to go into detail, name names. This Canadian just smacked ya in the gob with the glove.
Trumptards don't debate they shout fake news while interrupting others.

The best is when they cite Q mythology and then say "you should read up on history".
Texas is in play, but Donald is ahead a bit in the polls, though the ground might be shifting under their feet there, we'll see.
Apparently they count ballots early in Texas too and the democrats under perform in the polls or so says Beto.
Beto O’Rourke: Texas Voting Surge ‘A Good Sign For Texas Democrats’

Texas cast more than a million votes this week. While traditionally deep red, the Democratic party there says that turnout is only one of several promising signs the state could go blue for the first time since Jimmy Carter in 1976. Former Texas Congressman and former 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidate, Beto O'Rourke joins Katy Tur to discuss.
If Trump goes down early on election night it will be because of Florida. Seniors are running from Trump, will they run down ballot too?
Why 1 County Could Be An Early Indicator Of Trump’s Election Night Outcome

David Wasserman joins Andrea Mitchell to sort through the latest numbers on early voting, voter registrations, and explain why Sumter County, Florida, could let us know early on if President Trump's re-election bid is in trouble on election night, as it could serve as ground zero for the "gray revolt" that has Joe Biden leading in polls among senior voters - a group Hillary Clinton lost in 2016.