What has Trump done to this country?

I can’t help thinking trump has studied the expressions and motion, cadence and posturing etc. of Mussolini, Hitler, Saddam Husain and others.
Or is he simply Evil Reincarnated?
Trump never studied a fucking thing in his life, he's just todays dominant/prime example of fucked up human DNA.
There have been many examples throughout history of pure fucking evil, like Nero, Caligula, the Marque de Sade, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, but in the future when the Historian's look back & rank the despots/murderers/madmen that were the basic/root cause of the failure of Humankind, I think Trump will have achieved a unique placement, that he being the worst of the worst.
He will be/has been personally responsible for the tearing apart of the United States of America, and we as a Nation will never, fucking ever, recover from the 4 years that Trump was POTUS.
He has changed America forever.
Fucking fact.
Vote the fuck out and at least you will see justice, it might be too mild a fate for you, but for Donald it will be a nightmare in Hell and he knows it, his worst fears are about to come true. What are you most afraid of? Multiply it by ten and the real panic has not set in yet, that comes later.

I feel America will recover from this, it wasn't only a single point failure either, there is lot's of blame to go around. Trump gathered every asshole in America to his banner, when they go down the field will be clear for a spell. After breakthrough comes exploitation, removing the republicans electoral advantages and corruption with H.R.-1 and other legislative measures. Going after the disinformation infrastructure that supports these treasonous fucks including fox and face book, changing terrorist laws and removing guns from those affiliated with terrorist "militias". There is much that can be done to step on these pricks, they are now a national security issue and the FBI will be onside heart and soul.
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I'll bet there will be so much work for the FBI that retired and honorably resigned special agents will be called back on a voluntary basis, there might be several thousand who would pull an extra year or two over this. It could help clean up a lot of details and keep many grand juries busy for awhile.
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I can see a special independent counsel/prosecutor (s) in the future and many retired or former DOJ alumni among them. These are the same people who signed letters of outrage and filed petitions against Trump and Barr's abuses in the DOJ and government. There has been so much crime committed these past 4 years, it is simply daunting and Donald was not the only one committing it either, his henchmen, minions and cronies were criming too. I figure this mountain of shit is gonna be tackled with the help of retired DOJ and FBI agents and there are thousands of experienced people available who can head up many teams of investigators.

Trump ain't gone yet, but it might be time to think about a post Trump world, if you've already voted and can do no more to help toss his ass in the trash can of history. The point is justice will and can be done, there are ways of tackling the mountain of crime quickly, there are resources and there will be the desire, enthusiasm in fact. Often government officials, like cops are not accountable, but what is starting to happen, with murdering cops, will happen to Donald and his henchmen. From the street to the White House, you will see justice done and laws change.
Trump never studied a fucking thing in his life, he's just todays dominant/prime example of fucked up human DNA.
There have been many examples throughout history of pure fucking evil, like Nero, Caligula, the Marque de Sade, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, but in the future when the Historian's look back & rank the despots/murderers/madmen that were the basic/root cause of the failure of Humankind, I think Trump will have achieved a unique placement, that he being the worst of the worst.
He will be/has been personally responsible for the tearing apart of the United States of America, and we as a Nation will never, fucking ever, recover from the 4 years that Trump was POTUS.
He has changed America forever.
Fucking fact.
Your right Jim, he has changed America but I think more that that, he’s validated racism and violence against anyone who opposes racism. That has brought into play the deplorables who previously hid like the slugs they are. Even though I’m worried as hell this shit is going to blow up I have a strong belief it will get better. You all now know that, yes, one person can easily change the course of a nation, good or (in this case) bad, and will fight hard to never let it happen again. Could be the gummies talking as they are rose coloured ;).
I feel America will recover from this
America did recover from Lincoln/JFK/MLK/RFK's assassinations/1 Civil & 2 World War's & the Great Depression/Recession, but this is not the same
Trump has fucking built his foundation on division, too exploit for his own personal gain, the differences between Americans, literally tearing this country in half.
You wear a face mask?
You live in a Blue state?
Your a Mexican/Muslim/Puerto Rican?
A refugee/immigrant?
A Democrat?
An Atheist/Agnostic?
From California or New York?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you are a danger/threat/useless in the limited minds of Trump & his supporters & therfore must be eliminated/silenced/ignored.
Trump & his policies are supported by 97% of registered Republican voters which equates into the fact that around 1/3 of America today is seriously fucked in the mind.
Coupled with COVID-19 & it's subsequent effects on the Society at large, Trump & his actions & his supporters have placed this Nation in it's most perilous position since it's founding in my opinion.
I like history & what I am seeing happening today in this country is fucking frightening
Too many similarities with failed societies.
We better wake the fuck up soon, because it's getting really, really close too the edge of that proverbial cliff.
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America did recover from Lincoln/JFK/MLK/RFK's assassinations/1 Civil & 2 World War's & the Great Depression/Recession, but this is not the same
Trump has fucking built his foundation on division, too exploit for his own personal gain, the differences between Americans, literally tearing this country in half.
You wear a face mask?
You live in a Blue state?
You a Mexican/Muslim/Puerto Rican?
A refugee/immigrant?
A Democrat?
An Atheist/Agnostic?
From California or New York?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you are a danger/threat/useless in the limited minds of Trump & his supporters & therfore must be eliminated/silenced/ignored.
Trump & his policies are supported by 97% of registered Republican voters which equates into the fact that around 1/3 of America today is seriously fucked in the mind.
Coupled with COVID-19 & it's subsequent effects on the Society at large, Trump & his actions & his supporters have placed this Nation in it's most perilous position since it's founding in my opinion.
I like history & what I am seeing happening today in this country is fucking frightening
Too many similarities with failed societies.
We better wake the fuck up soon, because it's getting really, really close too the edge of that proverbial cliff.
If Trump and covid never bitch slapped America back to reality and the smell of coffee, nothing will. The bigger the fuck up, the bigger the change, America needs big change and the time has arrived, Donald moved up the date by a decade. I never said it would be easy, or that some of these assholes won't go down without a fight, that there won't be persistent pockets of them, or they won't get elected any more. I do believe their political backs have been broken, first with the public and then by the government. America like many other modern societies is a multicultural multiracial society, social division based on racism and bigotry are a dangerous force, as America has illustrated, one that can be exploited by enemies both foreign and domestic. This has become not just a national security issue for America, but an existential one too.
Maybe the Republicans can come up with a virtual Donald, incase he dies or gets sick, maybe do a rubber cast of his face and stick it on one of those Japanese humanoid robots that could speak from the balcony daily. It should be doable, it wouldn't require much memory or processing power, shit ya could run Donald's brain with a low end, low power old processor and a decent speech synthesizer. Just the moving motor parts need high end processing and he could be remote controlled to keep things simple... Digital Donald ver 1.0
More bad news for Trump

Federal judge in Pennsylvania denies Trump campaign voting policy challenges in major ruling

(CNN)A federal judge in Pennsylvania has denied the Trump campaign and Republican Party's bid to make ballot dropboxes in Pennsylvania unconstitutional, in a resounding defeat for the campaign's challenges to voting policy in a key battleground state.

Judge Nicholas Ranjan of the Western District of Pennsylvania court on Saturday also refused to throw out policies in Pennsylvania allowing signatures on mail-in ballots to not strictly match the voters' signature on file with the state and requiring poll workers to live in the county where they will work on Election Day.

He also rejected Republicans' fears of voter fraud, saying it's possible but not proven likely.
"While Plaintiffs may not need to prove actual voter fraud, they must at least prove that such fraud is 'certainly impending.' They haven't met that burden. At most, they have pieced together a sequence of uncertain assumptions," Ranjan wrote in the 138-page opinion.

Ranjan, who was appointed to the bench by Trump, noted that Pennsylvania's state officials and state Supreme Court settled many of questions of voting already for the November election.

"The Court finds that the election regulations put in place by the General Assembly and implemented by Defendants do not significantly burden any right to vote. They are rational. They further important state interests. They align with the Commonwealth's elaborate election-security measures. They do not run afoul of the United States Constitution. They will not otherwise be second-guessed by this Court," he wrote.

The Trump campaign's general counsel Matthew Morgan said in a statement Saturday that the campaign plans to appeal the ruling, calling Pennsylvania's voting system, including dropboxes, "radical."

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro called the ruling "a win for voters and our democracy," adding in a statement: "We have been in court for months protecting the right to vote and working to get this outcome for all of you. Vote by mail or in person, however you choose. Your vote will count."

Republicans in Pennsylvania already have challenges to the state's voting provisions before the US Supreme Court.
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court previously allowed election officials to count mail-in ballots received up to three days after the election, even if the postmark was illegible. That ruling would allow votes of thousands of Pennsylvanians that could have been rejected for arriving after Election Day to be counted.

Lawyers for Republicans filed an emergency petition with the high court asking it to block the decision.
Maybe the Republicans can come up with a virtual Donald, incase he dies or gets sick, maybe do a rubber cast of his face and stick it on one of those Japanese humanoid robots that could speak from the balcony daily. It should be doable, it wouldn't require much memory or processing power, shit ya could run Donald's brain with a low end, low power old processor and a decent speech synthesizer. Just the moving motor parts need high end processing and he could be remote controlled to keep things simple... Digital Donald ver 1.0
I hope to fuck nobody mentions cryogenics to Trump. The last thing the future needs is him coming back.....
I hope to fuck nobody mentions cryogenics to Trump. The last thing the future needs is him coming back.....
Unlike Jesus, Cheeto Jesus won't rise from the dead, though he will always be in the heart of his base and many of them will weep for him and what they imagine could have been. They will continue to dry their tears with the stars and bars for sometime to come, though the statues they worship are becoming scarce.