What Have You Been Smoking Out Lately?

been smoking out of my zong lately. just once a day but man sometimes I overdo it and my lungs make me pay for it...

quoting so others don't miss it...

it rips hella smooth and nice. only thing I'd possibly add to it is a glass on glass diffuser with an ash catcher ;)
OH NO! I forgot we can upload pictures to his account. I wonder when he'll go on his account and say " man when did all these dick pics get here"
quoting so others don't miss it...

it rips hella smooth and nice. only thing I'd possibly add to it is a glass on glass diffuser with an ash catcher ;)

I have a similar zong and I've been looking for a diffused downstem for quite some time actually now, I know one would make them so sick
ok as it turns out i don't need to upload to his album. they have a demotivational poster tool now. off to the demotivational poster thread...

they have a tool right on photobucket. go to the guys pics and find the one you want, then click it so it's big. theres a bar at the top of the pic if you hover the mouse. click edit, then click see much more. on the right hand side at the top theres a poster option. have fun.
Man half the fun its having this guy find out and see all this. I wonder if you pm him, if he has it set up to where he recieves and email. Maybe then he'll come on and see this thread. This guy has to see this shit...
th_Johnny_Depp020.jpg th_hanks.jpg

Umm....dude's in the closet for sure but I doubt he's tending to his plants....

Anytime someone whines about catching sh*t after telling someone about about their grow, I'm just gonna to link them back to this thread !
5-0's got the guy, his friends, his plate, hell - his address is probably in there somewhere.

Oh, and that swirl to try and disguise the plate number ?
It doesn't do sh*t.
That's how this piece of shit got busted for diddling kids:

+1 on whoever called for an award for this thread.
Who says off-topic is a bad thing ?