What Have You Tried?


Well-Known Member
So i have my first bug problem ever. Not really sure if its fungus gnats or winged root aphids. But they fly and crawl. I noticed week one of my seedlings life. So far I've hit them with a weekly dose of azamax. 2 doses a week apart. It has reduced numbers to only a few here and there. But now i want to hit them with something different so they wont build immunity. I want to use something organic preferably since im growing organically. Have thought about many treatments but havent settled on anything yet. Can you guys give me your opinions on a second treatment. I want something that pretty much will kill both pests.
"doe" "n" and "da" huh -_- annyway there are many ways to naturally get rid of pests without using pesticides...de, sticky traps, environmental conditioning, sand, scraping your top layer of soil, etc.. You will benefit from learning about the bugs lifecycle and interrupting it instead of aging chemicals to your plant.
"doe" "n" and "da" huh -_- annyway there are many ways to naturally get rid of pests without using pesticides...de, sticky traps, environmental conditioning, sand, scraping your top layer of soil, etc.. You will benefit from learning about the bugs lifecycle and interrupting it instead of aging chemicals to your plant.
Thanks for your advice. But why are you ragging on my text. If i chose to go on most threads i could find mistakes. But i dont because im not an english teacher. Oh, and by the way, this is the new way of speed texting. Catch up with the times. If you dont like my writing style then stay the fuck off my thread. No disrespect. Thanks buddy.
Carolina this was one of the treatments i was considering including mighty wash, neem oil, doktor doom, evergreen pyrethrin, live ladybugs, and a few other ideas. Maybe ill give spinosad a go. In addition i may release some ladybugs as well.
Pyrethrin shouldn't be used indoors btw. It doesn't have enough UV to kill the "bad part" of pyrethrin.

I use spinosad and neem inside. Alternating between the two.

I use spinosad, neem, pyrethrin, bacillus thuringiensis, rotten garlic-fish meal-eggs, and capsaicin spray outside.
What bugs? The only bastards that have built immunity on me is mites. Gnats will not stand a chance against a neem water+foliar and sticky traps. Neem is good for flyers. No pest strips work wonders for crawlers.
Mosquito bits... Non toxic, gets rid of them quick in combination with homemade yellow sticky pads. Jest yellow post it's with 2 sided tape... Always works for me
I'm sure you can find many mistakes but I didn't give you crap for a mistake.. sounding ghetto in your writing is not about getting with the times. When will it be cool to have proper grammar -_- I made my misspelling on purpose to convey demeanor not just because I'm a lazy uneducated American, da is literally one letter shorter than the and you sound like a child that's why I'm ragging on you. For your benefit and because it's disgusting what's happening to the American language we look like morons, Adding "bae" and "swag" to the dictionary because people like you say this dumb shit.. No disrespect, thanks buddy! News flash, words exist already that mean the same thing
How about you stay off my posts and i stay off yours. Problem solved. This way no one says anything to offend the other. Because i almost called you out of your name and that would've just added fuel to an already out of control fire.