What hps should i get For this?


Well-Known Member
Here is my cabnit and curently i have a cfl grow going. What hps should i use for 1 or 2 plants tops in this cabnit?

Also is buying hps from ebay a good/bad idea? what is a good site to order from? and if anyone has any good treads for me about hps can u send them my way:P




Well-Known Member
400 man? that seems really big for like 1 or two plants? lol.. Is there any forums here about all hps help? But i dont know much about them so you prob are right lol


Well-Known Member
In my mind more light means more yeild. As long as you can keep your heat in check. You could veg them really long and have one or two big plants. That's the way I would do it. But who am I? Someone else I'm sure will say differently. Just wait.


Well-Known Member
haha ya, im thinking 400 might be a little to much for that box tho. Maybe 250? how do you control heat temps with theses lights? ive seen people talking about a cool tube. But is it nescesary for a 250? i have good intake and exhaust? Temp never goes over 80


Well-Known Member
I bought a 400 hps setup/bulb from ebay. It only cost $90, and when I got it the bulb case said 250 watt... regardless its worked great for me. Just be sure that you use a good surge protector with a GFI outlet. Another reccomendation is to have that outlet be the only active one on the circuit (if you can).


Well-Known Member
So 250 is prob good for me? What kinda temps and difficulties will i run into with this? Also power cost? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
150 or 250 should work fine for 1 or 2 plants.

Its never gets over 80F *now* with cfls. HPS may be quite different.
Good ventilation may work. Also might have to go the hood/cool-tube route. Only you can test to see whats needed.

haha ya, im thinking 400 might be a little to much for that box tho. Maybe 250? how do you control heat temps with theses lights? ive seen people talking about a cool tube. But is it nescesary for a 250? i have good intake and exhaust? Temp never goes over 80


Well-Known Member
Alright. How expensive is it to make a cooltube or something to keep it cool in there?
A cool-tube I think is about $75 (US) Then you need a fan and ducting.

A light/ballast, hood w/cooling, I feel, is going to cost at a minimum of $200

Now you can go the cheap/test route. Get a security light and modify it. Put into room and see what happens with the temps.
Then if needed then go the cool-tube route.

Now plenty of DIY tubes out there. The pyrex bake-a-rounds (but its narrow, especially for the fat 150W bulbs, I have 2 here never used)
Others have used glass hurricane amps or glass tubes from craft stores.

I'm thinking the DIY is going to approach the store bought price. Do a little research and see what fits your needs best.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what you are going to set this light up in, but if its an enclosed cabinet youd really want to invest in fans / cool tubes.

I have a pretty open setup, and havent had a prob with temps. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Im going to put the light in a cabnit. The one in the pictures earlier. I do have intake and exhaust and fans within the cabnit. But i was hoping to no spend a ton of money on this. I see 150 Watt hps for like 65$ on ebay. Would that be enought? Do you think the temps would shoot sky high and i would have to make a cooltube?