dirt clean
Well-Known Member
These days I have my perpetual four in flower and four in veg medical garden getting setup. I have a 600 for flower and a 400 for veg. Lumatek digitals in air cooled hoods. Ozone and charcoal, the only way to fly.
Currently I am growing in seven gallon bags in a medium mix of fox farms ocean forest and worm casts. I am using all BMO nutes as well as castings and compost teas. The results are great. I just added an UV bulb for more fun.
I make the teas once a week. I feed them fine. It is a problem though every week to get the water ready and then the 24 hours of brewing. I forget. lol. I am getting better at it and it is getting easier.
My next grow, the up and coming veggers I am going to be trying a super soil mix I have put together. I figured in an apt it would be smarter and the plants would love being able to eat whenever they want.
The mix is cooking. I am doing more reading about organics. I have books on the soil food web coming. I am reading about the bacteria and so on to a greater level. It is HARD not to just buy the hydro store goods already made. But something tells me I can get the same results with what I have on hand organically DIY, like the castings I make and compost and blackstrap molasses. So I resisted that and did so with some more reading. The bacteria levels and fungi levels in some of these products sound exactly the same as worm castings, lol. What a hydro says in bold the organic garden literature says in in fine as if it is NOT good enough, lol. Who knows, time will tell. The longer I work at it the smoother I get.
Anyway with a super soil grow coming I no realize I will have to be making the teas anyways to replenish the soils bacteria and fungi and food. Also it is true that the annual that mj is loves the bacteria more than the fungi but the two so go hand in hand. It is perennials that are fungi starved but the two are interrelated so I am eager to read more.
I guess the draw of super soil is that the plants can feed all the time. Any experiences there? Super soil grows?
Also I have an 8 in fan coming and man am I going to have to scramble to keep that quiet. I might just toss my 6 in fan and duct the 8 in to handle the 600 and 400 lights.
What also do you guys think of those bacteria products at the hydro shop and more importantly all those additives like gravity and purple max that are their. I am itching to buy those. I have a purple strain as one of my two. What do you think they have in them and with the ewc and the compost and the super plant tonic do you think I have covered all grounds? I also have kelp in my super soil. Kelp, Blood, Bone, Greensand, azomite, ocean forest, organicare aeration mix, worm casts and coir.
I figure out to get a good bacteria tea to froth the secret is a lot of organic dry material like compost. Also manure but I tried everything ands unless I added lots of compost it seems to not bubble on its frothy own with all that bacterial goodness. So throw in a lot of that. Also about 2 hours. Actuall I could hit myself. The secret isnt all the dry material as I have so many bacteria sources like BMO but it is AIR! The more the better. Large buubles too. I Now have two pumps with three tubes bubbling away, this is 2-3X what I have before. THis is what I have done on other ocasions and this is the key. They need that much air or nothing. I have seen set-ups with massive air engines and just figured one little pump would work too. NO!.
It has been fun. Also I notice with humor all those super soil recipes are just the recipes on the box with a P kick. Organic growing is getting easier. I cant wait to take weights. I am going to have to buy a separate drying tent to hang all this as my 1 ounce 18 gallon bud dryer is way too small.
Also I have found that only mass quantities of sand will eradicate the fungus gnats. The strips sure catch a lot.
Currently I am growing in seven gallon bags in a medium mix of fox farms ocean forest and worm casts. I am using all BMO nutes as well as castings and compost teas. The results are great. I just added an UV bulb for more fun.
I make the teas once a week. I feed them fine. It is a problem though every week to get the water ready and then the 24 hours of brewing. I forget. lol. I am getting better at it and it is getting easier.
My next grow, the up and coming veggers I am going to be trying a super soil mix I have put together. I figured in an apt it would be smarter and the plants would love being able to eat whenever they want.
The mix is cooking. I am doing more reading about organics. I have books on the soil food web coming. I am reading about the bacteria and so on to a greater level. It is HARD not to just buy the hydro store goods already made. But something tells me I can get the same results with what I have on hand organically DIY, like the castings I make and compost and blackstrap molasses. So I resisted that and did so with some more reading. The bacteria levels and fungi levels in some of these products sound exactly the same as worm castings, lol. What a hydro says in bold the organic garden literature says in in fine as if it is NOT good enough, lol. Who knows, time will tell. The longer I work at it the smoother I get.
Anyway with a super soil grow coming I no realize I will have to be making the teas anyways to replenish the soils bacteria and fungi and food. Also it is true that the annual that mj is loves the bacteria more than the fungi but the two so go hand in hand. It is perennials that are fungi starved but the two are interrelated so I am eager to read more.
I guess the draw of super soil is that the plants can feed all the time. Any experiences there? Super soil grows?
Also I have an 8 in fan coming and man am I going to have to scramble to keep that quiet. I might just toss my 6 in fan and duct the 8 in to handle the 600 and 400 lights.
What also do you guys think of those bacteria products at the hydro shop and more importantly all those additives like gravity and purple max that are their. I am itching to buy those. I have a purple strain as one of my two. What do you think they have in them and with the ewc and the compost and the super plant tonic do you think I have covered all grounds? I also have kelp in my super soil. Kelp, Blood, Bone, Greensand, azomite, ocean forest, organicare aeration mix, worm casts and coir.
I figure out to get a good bacteria tea to froth the secret is a lot of organic dry material like compost. Also manure but I tried everything ands unless I added lots of compost it seems to not bubble on its frothy own with all that bacterial goodness. So throw in a lot of that. Also about 2 hours. Actuall I could hit myself. The secret isnt all the dry material as I have so many bacteria sources like BMO but it is AIR! The more the better. Large buubles too. I Now have two pumps with three tubes bubbling away, this is 2-3X what I have before. THis is what I have done on other ocasions and this is the key. They need that much air or nothing. I have seen set-ups with massive air engines and just figured one little pump would work too. NO!.
It has been fun. Also I notice with humor all those super soil recipes are just the recipes on the box with a P kick. Organic growing is getting easier. I cant wait to take weights. I am going to have to buy a separate drying tent to hang all this as my 1 ounce 18 gallon bud dryer is way too small.
Also I have found that only mass quantities of sand will eradicate the fungus gnats. The strips sure catch a lot.