what i got from first grow


Well-Known Member
my first grow sucked ass. this is all i got from my plants.

this is off my plant it was like 1 1/2 feet tall. i got like 12 -13 grams off it dry. but it is some really good shit half of a blunt between 2 people and i can barley type this.
these had some seeds i don't no y there where like 10 seeds in this plant and like 10 in my girls plant

top of mine

this is my girls plant she got like 9.5 grams off this plant dry

this is her top bud.

these are the other 2 plants.
the first one is some ok bud not to many seeds.

top bud kind os a bad pic

and i dont no about this plant tastes like shit and had like 100 seeds on it.

and this is the top bud

all four


Well-Known Member
my first grow sucked ass. this is all i got from my plants.

this is off my plant it was like 1 1/2 feet tall. i got like 12 -13 grams off it dry. but it is some really good shit half of a blunt between 2 people and i can barley type this.
these had some seeds i don't no y there where like 10 seeds in this plant and like 10 in my girls plant
For a first grow, that's pretty good. This is not an easy hobby. It requires patience, determination, and the ability to learn from mistakes. Before long you will have enough experience to easily grow as much killer weed as you desire.


Well-Known Member
prob def needa beef up your cfl setup,and try to get the 2700k ones for flowering, how many cfl's/watts were u using?


Well-Known Member
bro u got seeds either you growing regs/shwags/commercial seeds,,or u got male plants that u let grow for too long near your fems it pollinated the fems and u got seeds...u should have much more i belive,,this is my first grow il be done in 3 weeks,,i veg using cfls only,,and for flowering i use cfls and some hps also this is my first female

im guessing u need better nutes,and some better lighting and ul be on your way


Well-Known Member
more wattage and keep the CFL's as close as possible... do everything you learned off that grow better next time and you should get better results. learn from your mistakes and get better.

congratulations on a successful first crop! everybody lived and you got something to smoke out of the deal :D

you have proven something, you can grow pot :D

keep going and get better at it!


Well-Known Member
yea i do need to add some more bulbs because i was only useing like 12 23 watt clf's for like 8 plants.


Well-Known Member
do u guys think i could get 3 oz's of my 1 girl from the above pics,,she still got 2 1/2 weeks to go to fill in more,shes over a foot wide,,and the branches are almost tipping over with weight,,she has 10 cfls,,and 2 150 watt hps's directly centered all over her(only 1 female in this batch to flower) next time il have 6 fems in my setup


Well-Known Member
u need get some hid lights and watch out for hermies cuz if you didnt have any males around theres no reason for seeds but that....make sure your dark time is all the way dark buy a starter nute kit and make sure your post are always big enough other than that i think ur good not a bad yield from a 1.5ft plant with just flouros


Well-Known Member
do u guys think i could get 3 oz's of my 1 girl from the above pics,,she still got 2 1/2 weeks to go to fill in more,shes over a foot wide,,and the branches are almost tipping over with weight,,she has 10 cfls,,and 2 150 watt hps's directly centered all over her(only 1 female in this batch to flower) next time il have 6 fems in my setup
no real telling from those pics... doesnt look like it to me, but with the wattage you are running and the size of the plant as you describe it you may very well get a dried yield like that.

they do dry out a WAY lot though, so dont be too upset if you weight doesnt come out that high.


Well-Known Member
You can get them at Lowes or HD. The 42w red ones are a little over $9/each. Just add one a week over 5-6weeks, along with the blue cfl's for vegging....should have more than enough lumens.


Well-Known Member
they have these super bright clf for like working on your car and shit at menards they are 500 watts clfs. and they come in blue and yellow just like the house clf's think these would work.


Well-Known Member
so i can add the big 42w ones and mix them with the blue vegg lights. because the big 42w ones are yellow right. and some one told me that he big 42watt Sylvania clf's have mercury in them. is this true



Well-Known Member
just go to homedepot buy 28 watt blue for veggie,,as u get more cash add more on,,in flowering get 42 watts the orange blue kind,,a mix is nice in both actually,,u just want more blue in veg and red in flowering,but some blue in flowering is good as well :) more light the better but u need the red to flower :) red in veggie makes your plants stretchy*if too much*


Well-Known Member
This is not a cheap hobby to start, but if done right it will pay for itself in under a year. If done half assed, you could lose money! Is $40 is pot worth growing for 3 months?Get the right lighting and you will never go without ever again.2 years since I've cased some pot down, thank god thoes days are over.
2 of my clones, Is could be you josh878.
