what, if any, nutes to use when flowering in MG soil?


Active Member
Well, the title says it all...using MG soil, what, if any, nuts should I use? I have MG tomato fert ( reddish, crystals)... first grow, one fem WW, in 5 gallon pot, under 250 hps. Thanks ahead of time!:peace:...oh yeah, I've LST her, and today put her I to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
I am using MG soil as well , but it is the organic kind. I've been giving my plants the MG tomato fert since week 2 of veg. I gave them full strength fert for the first week of flowering and now I have switch to half MG tomato fert and half MG Bloom fert. I'll keep them on that mixture for about 2 or 3 weeks then switch to full strength bloom fert for a few weeks. Don't forget to flush your plants about 2 weeks before you harvest!


Well-Known Member
I am a massive MG hater ! First thing I will say is get some decent soil.

I would buy proper nutrients, results are possible but MG is low grade nutrients not good for sweet tasting ganja.

If you want to continue do not feed until the plants start to look a little light green if you see burnt tips back off on the food completely.



Active Member
depends on what the soil is. is it 3 month or 6 month time release? if you use mg i would veg in like a half gal pot and then transplant into a 3-5 gal with fresh soil for flowering and then you dont have to add anything but molasses. might have to add some dolmite lime or eggshels in too just test the soil


Well-Known Member
I know lots of people hate on MG soil, but I believe that is only because they got the time released kind. That will no doubt bring harm to your plants. I have not had ANY problems with my organic MG soil. The ferts work well to in my opinion. I believe that many people had bad first experiences with MG and now they hate it with a passion without realizing that it was actually their fault. I say try it before you bash it.


Active Member
@eastwood... what kind do u use? just mg organic? i thought it had time released nutes in too that feed for 2 months. i used mg moisture control and didnt feed at all just molasses and got nice fat buds using only cfls


Well-Known Member
I have tried it. I didnt like it, I switched for real dirt ! the nice stuff.

And now my setup rocks the caspa !



Active Member
I've the 6 month time release, I believe. I've got te light green growth, and used the tomato ferts, but noticed a slight burning of tips, so I discontinued. I'm using Ph water, and have not experienced any negative effect, thus far.


Active Member
well since you just switched to 12/12 dont add anything for awhile. maybe at like 3 weeks try some 1/4 strength flowering nutes. you can start adding mollases now every watering till harvest. just keep a constant scchedule for watering and you will be fine


Well-Known Member
Yea that should be the right amount. If you decide to use any other ferts just be very careful since you do have the time release soil. . I use Miracle Grow Organic Choice Garden Soil. No problems yet and I'm 2 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I can't answer that since I have no experience with the time release. I just know that you have to be VERY careful with your fert amounts. I would start out very small. Maybe 1/4th the dosage. See how your plants react and plan accordingly. You are going to have to experiment a little. Be careful.


Active Member
I've tried literally a pinch in 20 oz of Ph water, and got a slight nute burn...this was week 4 of veg. ...I tgunk I'll play safe with just molasses...I won't need to flush, and the buds will taste great...maybe yield a little less, but I'll make up for it in taste, I'm sure.