What if I dont fix my root bound

i have the same problem, so i swapped to flower. i have been vegging for 10 weeks in 3 gal fabric pots.
Because there is much less room for your medium and water. The plant can develop what looks like deficiencies at any point than wilt and die. If it is truly root bound you should deal with it asap. At the best it will be stunted and not near its potential, worst case synario you get part way through flowering and it drops dead. Either way it's a bad idea to ignore it.
If it’s root bound just pull the plant out of her current home and gently tease apart the root system so it’s branching more downward and outward to help her untie herself. You will tear roots and it will feel like you’re killing her but just be as gentle as you can and she should recover. It’ll take maybe a week or two of healing before she looks better but moving her to a bigger pot will help.
If it’s root bound just pull the plant out of her current home and gently tease apart the root system so it’s branching more downward and outward to help her untie herself. You will tear roots and it will feel like you’re killing her but just be as gentle as you can and she should recover. It’ll take maybe a week or two of healing before she looks better but moving her to a bigger pot will help.
Can I just remove the bottom of the current pot and replace the entire pot (without bottom) in the bigger pot?
People grow 4 ounce plants in 1 gal pots with coco frequently. It's really not an issue especially if you are feeding with synthetic fertilizer.
Can I just remove the bottom of the current pot and replace the entire pot (without bottom) in the bigger pot?
You could but i think it might be better if you took the entire base out. Theoretically if you cut out the bottom only she would grow down and then branch out but she will have a bottle neck shape to her root system, truthfully I don’t know if that would have a negative effect or if she would grow like nothings up. I would think it would take longer for her to perk up if you leave her in original pot and just detangled her bottom roots to come out the bottom, but you would also be doing less damage as a whole so it might even out time wise at that point? Good questions and making me want to experiment! :-o