What if I dont fix my root bound

I've grown autos and seen it for myself. They stunt very easily. At least the ones I've grown. There may be some genetics out there that don't have such issues.
We found the problem with the stunting of your plants. "At least the ones I've grown." Seems to be a grower issue.

I've grown a few autos and not once have they ever been close to stunted.

Autos are no more sensitive than photos. Please stop spreading misinformation.
There's no dead end in me giving beginner tips.. lol I'm literally giving the guy somewhere to start, it's his first grow.

Your ego is oozing in every response you make to me. I've said I'm sure your way works because I haven't grown every auto ever made. But you can't seem to accept that my advice is beginner friendly and pretty fool proof.. instead you completely write it off with no rationale behind it other than you think your way is THE way lol.

It's all good man, I get it. You're the master grower round these parts :eyesmoke:
Again do your thing. Not mine or ever suggested. Just waiting for most to realize it is stupid simple.
If it’s root bound just pull the plant out of her current home and gently tease apart the root system so it’s branching more downward and outward to help her untie herself. You will tear roots and it will feel like you’re killing her but just be as gentle as you can and she should recover. It’ll take maybe a week or two of healing before she looks better but moving her to a bigger pot will help.
Pls do not do this to your autoflower
Repotting autos no prob but personally i wouldnt break apart the roots or molest them in any way. A photo? When repotting i always stick my fingers into the roots to break them a bit before replanting. But my belief is any bit of time the auto needs to recover is time lost from growth/production. So an auto that hasnt been stressed would in theory be bigger/yeild more than a plant thats had to recover.
Repotting autos no prob but personally i wouldnt break apart the roots or molest them in any way. A photo? When repotting i always stick my fingers into the roots to break them a bit before replanting. But my belief is any bit of time the auto needs to recover is time lost from growth/production. So an auto that hasnt been stressed would in theory be bigger/yeild more than a plant thats had to recover.
Agreed that it’s wasted time and energy but if it’s root bound it’s going to be stunted therefore you lose yield anyway. Better to get the roots loose as early as possible. It would be best to not let them get root bound in the first place but if it’s already bad... And if you do it well you don’t damage the plant badly enough to shock. A plant is always better off with more root room, no matter auto or photo.
There's no dead end in me giving beginner tips.. lol I'm literally giving the guy somewhere to start, it's his first grow.

Your ego is oozing in every response you make to me. I've said I'm sure your way works because I haven't grown every auto ever made. But you can't seem to accept that my advice is beginner friendly and pretty fool proof.. instead you completely write it off with no rationale behind it other than you think your way is THE way lol.

It's all good man, I get it. You're the master grower round these parts :eyesmoke:
Hahaha :clap:
They are all today and on the first page.
There is this one.
"First time grower ever"
"Can I get some tips for auto solo cup grower"
"Is she fine?"
"At first the seedling was too deep into soil, but now it's too high."
"Can I get tips on penile dysfunction?"
As will most net lore and for profit indoctrinated sales brochures posing as scientific studies. LMAO.

My biggest laugh. People claiming superiority over natures eons of refinement. And it is in a bottle.

Best wishes to all. But realize you have been trained by a very profit focus.
Its called Capitalism man
I am just bowing out. PM me after a decade or two. Enjoy your bounties. Mine keep me content. Your soil or equivalent on left. My base and nature on the right.

Please educate me on where I'm wrong. LOL. View attachment 4808188

How are you gonna call someone out for an ego issue with a post like that? Do you even read what you write?

A little humility goes a long way my friend.
How are you gonna call someone out for an ego issue with a post like that? Do you even read what you write?

A little humility goes a long way my friend.
He is like Ricky Bobby with psycho samatics, Cal said he could start fires with his mind.
One day old seedling to be exact
What on earth gave you the idea that your one day old seedling is root-bound, Chad?

Do yourself a favor and start by doing lots of research. Save up some cash and find out what supplies you’ll need BEFORE planting the seed. Then buy everything you think you’re going to need based on your research. There is a website called Grow Weed Easy that has a ton of excellent tutorials for first time small grows. After research, get soil, pot, nutrients, lights, fans, etc. Buy it all first. Once you have everything together and have a basic idea of what to expect, then start popping beans.

Tossing an auto seed in a clear plastic cup, throwing it in a window and bumping your 12 pots about said seedling every 5 mins is going to lead to failure. Your post history and style shows you lack patience. A lack of patience WILL kill your plants. Growing is a lot of fun and can be super exciting but it’s not a race.
If it’s root bound just pull the plant out of her current home and gently tease apart the root system so it’s branching more downward and outward to help her untie herself. You will tear roots and it will feel like you’re killing her but just be as gentle as you can and she should recover. It’ll take maybe a week or two of healing before she looks better but moving her to a bigger pot will help.
I slice the roots with my knife honestly they never skip a beat
What on earth gave you the idea that your one day old seedling is root-bound, Chad?

Do yourself a favor and start by doing lots of research. Save up some cash and find out what supplies you’ll need BEFORE planting the seed. Then buy everything you think you’re going to need based on your research. There is a website called Grow Weed Easy that has a ton of excellent tutorials for first time small grows. After research, get soil, pot, nutrients, lights, fans, etc. Buy it all first. Once you have everything together and have a basic idea of what to expect, then start popping beans.

Tossing an auto seed in a clear plastic cup, throwing it in a window and bumping your 12 pots about said seedling every 5 mins is going to lead to failure. Your post history and style shows you lack patience. A lack of patience WILL kill your plants. Growing is a lot of fun and can be super exciting but it’s not a race.
I just asked the question in case this happens

For real. If you don’t slow down, this isn’t gonna end well for you. See my post above. You’ve got a lot of reading to do. Before you ask a new post (or 5 in this case) search and see if someone else has already asked it. If you do a search and don’t find your answer, then make a post. But don’t bump it every 5 mins! Growing is a waiting game and requires a lot of patience. You’ve got plenty of time to do some research bud!