what if i dont transplant?


Active Member
i have a trainwreck in third week of flowering,i didnt transplant before going to 12/12 it went from clone, to party cup, to one gallon,now in a 3 gl.will this cause her to stress and turn hermie?should i transplant her?


Well-Known Member
your going to be watering every other day maybe every day by the end of it. plus what your light/heat setup is.


you should be fine but dont go without watering or it will stress the shit out of it. L.O.X.


Well-Known Member
Really depends on the size of the plant and how long you Vegged it for, I personally use 2-3gal bags. and have 3-4 ft plants. Not root issues here, Please DO NOT TRANSPLANT WHILE IN FLOWERING.


Well-Known Member
Depends how big the plant it is... Don't transplant in flowering if you don't have to. You should b able to easily harvest a plant growin' in a 3 gal. pot with no problems.


Active Member
im using 8"pot i flowered at 12-14" they are 2 and 1/2 feet tall now and are fine. you should be good as long as they were not too tall before the switch. if so then they may become root bound stunting growth