What if I used the wrong ph to water my plant


Active Member
I used a lotta water to flush my plant . I was rushing n than didn't really check the exact ph but it looks light yellowish and I jus used it to flush my plant . But what if it's the wrong ph . And I flush it again with the right ph so it can come back.? Or will it overwater n stuff. On Sunday I was experiencing watering with too much nute. So i flushed it yesterday wid less nute .but aloot of water. It seems like the waters ain't dripping out all n stuff . N dis morning I wake up seeing dying leafs again。 the pic is from the nute toxic on Sunday . Dis morning I didn't get the chance to take a pic cuz I was in a hurry to work . I see some of fan leafs have little yellow tips and some just dies the whole leaf laying down.



Well-Known Member
what if you're fussing way too much over these? water only enough to wet top to bottm, and only when completely dry. stop flushing already, thats just silly. wash away beneficials and drown the roots of oxygen then wonder why the plant looks ill???


Well-Known Member
Looks like a little nute burn, healthy other than that. Dont worry about it just dont feed them as much or hold off for a week and see what they do. More people cause issues trying to fix a problem that is minor or not even a concern. I try to keep my water at a ph of 6.0 but I ran out of ph up so I have just been using water and nutes as is and not having much of an issue with ph nute lock out.