What if Jesus Had Not Been Crucified???


What if someone snuck up behind you, strangled you to death with a guitar string. Then two thousand some odd years later, you return to earth to lead your creations, and they run at you adorned with guitar strings! Always found that strange. Why someone would display the means of their saviors end. Icky. JMO.

This is even better. I always thought the crucifix thing was odd. Thanks for explaining why it seems so odd bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What if someone snuck up behind you, strangled you to death with a guitar string. Then two thousand some odd years later, you return to earth to lead your creations, and they run at you adorned with guitar strings! Always found that strange. Why someone would display the means of their saviors end. Icky. JMO.
Richard Dawkins has joked that it's a good thing jesus wasn't executed by electrocution, or there would be millions wearing little electric chairs around their necks ;)


Well-Known Member

I really expect a more logical argument from a Portlandite . . .
Silly Goose! If Logic and Reason are what you seek, why are you searching in a thread with Jesus in the title? That was sarcasm. If the bible were from a "Superior Being", it would have been written in Mathematics. If Jesus existed, his crucifixion, along with his "crimes" would have been well documented by historians. Water into wine, Meh. Turn a stone into a feminized Acapulco Gold Seed and I'll consider it.


Well-Known Member
if Jesus had not been crucified........................ joseph would of had 2 extra lenghts of lumber in the workshop ;)


Well-Known Member
Paganism is the ONLY true religion that counts. If we poison the air (through exceeding our co2 emmisions over the amount of plants that we grow to use that co2), or the water (by not using hydro or re-cycling our water over the garden) or the soil (by not using hydroton/rockwool or composting etc) we are all dead.
Call me strange but I think it makes more sense than thinking if we don't belive in an imaginary man who fed 40000 people with 4 fish and a loaf of bread or something we will all go to hell.


Ursus marijanus
Silly Goose! If Logic and Reason are what you seek, why are you searching in a thread with Jesus in the title? That was sarcasm. If the bible were from a "Superior Being", it would have been written in Mathematics. If Jesus existed, his crucifixion, along with his "crimes" would have been well documented by historians. Water into wine, Meh. Turn a stone into a feminized Acapulco Gold Seed and I'll consider it.
Turn a stone into ... a whole lotta stone? Good but can be done better, imo. cn


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm not gay or anythything but the best bit is that the clergy have recently opposed same-sex marriages saying they are immoral!
But buggering children is O.K.?


Well-Known Member
Paganism is the ONLY true religion that counts. If we poison the air (through exceeding our co2 emmisions over the amount of plants that we grow to use that co2), or the water (by not using hydro or re-cycling our water over the garden) or the soil (by not using hydroton/rockwool or composting etc) we are all dead.
Call me strange but I think it makes more sense than thinking if we don't belive in an imaginary man who fed 40000 people with 4 fish and a loaf of bread or something we will all go to hell.
Until the entire world is free from religion, not 1 human can be born equal.


Well-Known Member
Turn a stone into ... a whole lotta stone? Good but can be done better, imo. cn
Be honest, if you saw a man walking in the desert, and behind him sprouted land race Cannabis, we'd worship him, after collecting shit tons of data, of course.


Well-Known Member
We would not have a path to eternal salvation- he died for your sins
LOL. Classic! To put a modern twist on it, is anyone up for glueing themselves to a cross of carbon fibre with araldite to save Captain Kirk from the sins he performs in 4012?