Great sarcasm.......
lol! I think you're right about the paraquat. More than likely the government was spraying pot fields with it in Mexico. I was referring to the 9/11 stuff. People continue to regurgitate rumors like how there were no plane parts at the pentagon. There are numerous pics of plane wreckage at the pentagon yet the rumor refuses to die. Then the conpsiracy folks go on to say the wreckage was fake or was planted there. lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! They were able to scatter plane parts on the lawn at the pentagon in broad daylight without anyone noticing??????????? I highly doubt it but who knows? Stranger things have happened.![]()
If its a conspiricies then y did tower 7 go down without being hit? History is our friendjust think about all the factories that are pumping infinate amounts of pollutants in our air and water. even if this were true i would use my time for something else. I live next to one of the largest airports in the world. Its jammed packed with comercial, cargo, military and private planes. i could play checkers in the sky there is so may vapor trails. im gonna put this story in the same box with all the 9/11 conspiricies!
p.s. theres nothing better than a C-5 shaking the ground as it flies right over your head. you might think it gets annoying but believe me it dont!
10 days huh? I think it was more like early 2003 we invaded Iraq. And the entire senate and house approved the invasion, it wasn't just Bush. Also, just about every drop of oil that comes out of Iraq goes back into rebuilding that shit hole. Although, we should be taking their oil to repay the war debt and for saving their asses from Saddam. And if it's all about oil then why are we paying $90 a barrel for oil? The oil market doesn't work like that. You don't just get free oil. There is a thing called OPEC. Another institution we should invade and destroy.Call me what you will, your obviously bliss as fuck, kudos to ya, I dont think there spraying chemicals around, but who knows. Whats funny is how 10 days after 9/11, without any proof of who did it, Bush gave the order in invade Iraq. Folow Bush's family line, and where does it go, Directly to big oil in Texas, hmm... Do the Math.
I would be more inclined to believe you if you could spell two words in row right.The goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin towers so they would colaps. I dont want to pin the goverment but this aluminum is making us depend on the goverment we can no longer grow are own food get are own water. they are trying to make one goverment dont be blind stand up and fight for what you belive in!!! The reson they get away with it becuse people try and say it is not happening this video is full of people with degrees and have done research they have looked at the land run test it is clear what the goverment is doing we have to stop it befor people start dieing. dont try and play god when they are killing are enviorment and making iluminum resistant seeds.
i like your passion. repThe goverment had sompthing to do with 9/11 there is proof. people who were in the pentigon said it was not a plane there was no plane parts or black box. also the room that was hit the day befor said they had lost 2.1trillion dollors. also there was thermite painted onto the walls or the twin towers so they would colaps. I dont want to pin the goverment but this aluminum is making us depend on the goverment we can no longer grow are own food get are own water. they are trying to make one goverment dont be blind stand up and fight for what you belive in!!! The reson they get away with it becuse people try and say it is not happening this video is full of people with degrees and have done research they have looked at the land run test it is clear what the goverment is doing we have to stop it befor people start dieing. dont try and play god when they are killing are enviorment and making iluminum resistant seeds.
i can picture the mother fucker flipping around and around bones spinnin XDits public knowledge know adays that the elite want to kill off 3/4 of us and its pretty obviuse. and if u cant see this is just the next step for BIG BROTHER then your a blind ass sheep.Hitler would be proud seeing whats goin on these days.... makes me sick and i bet Orwell is just flipping in his grave
i dunno where u got that frog but im saving it.actually it's speculation.
Trust scientific evidence, lol. When scientists still can't figure out what consciousness is, can't grasp free energy, lol, they are the ones only using 10% of their own brain.Just contrails guys, nothing to worry about.. People need to demand a higher standard of evidence. Just because some dude makes a documentary doesn't mean it's real.. Just look at zeitgeist, it's a prime example of a steaming pile of shit that has no evidence to support it. This is another, trust scientific evidence, not some schmuck with a camera..
Nobody is paranoid, you are the one who is scared that your little limited view of the world is shattered. I am feeling fantastic, with no fear in me. You however I can feel tremble in your words. Paranoia actually means heightened awareness, but not being grounded properly. You have to have balance.[420]Haze;5072548 said:Are you that nieve ? enjoy living in your paranoia filled life.
It's the long term collective exposure to the environment and ecosystem as a whole that all of us crazy quake cooks are trying to get across your dense perceptions?? I would too LIKE TO THINK that my government is in the works of my countries people, but I know that governments are corruptible, and that intelligence agencies and institutions and the likes are very compartmentalized, making it near impossible for the entire pyramid of workers to have full awareness of the big picture.[420]Haze;5073049 said:Never stated it didnt.
I like to think my government works in the interests of my countries people, theres no pure fact or evidence to support this bs story as there isnt to discredit it, so why plant the seed of doubt in others minds, yay, lets spread the word and create a society of paranoid people wearing breathing apparatus's and goggles thinking there being rained on by alluminum, for fuck sake, find something more constructive to do, like maybe, uhmmm, jeez, i dont know, grow some dank weed !!!
You mean Al-CIAda. Fueled by the Criminals In Action.that's not true about not knowing who did it. We had evidence of who did it, a bunch of saudi's that belonged to al-quaeda that were headquartered in Afghanistan.....
This is a good term to know:Trust scientific evidence, lol. When scientists still can't figure out what consciousness is, can't grasp free energy, lol, they are the ones only using 10% of their own brain.
BTW contrails dissipate quickly, while trails filled with these heavy metals, for various purposes, stay for hours on end. One random day in my city and there will be 50 of these, making X formations, completely different from the regular flight routes. They even admit it, it's called geoengineering. Nothing to be paranoid about. Just be aware of it, and stand up for your planet.
Their excuse is to reflect the sun's rays to help prevent global warming. I am dead serious. Don't believe me? Go research for yourself.
Yeah, and the whole chemtrail thing there is nothing to worry about. Before people actually used to get sick back in the 90's when they first really started doing it. The mains purpose of these trails was to act like a medium for frequency weapons/distortion. The heavy metals would act like carriers for electromagnetic radiation and low frequency perpetuation.From my understanding, most chem trails are just cloud seeding with jets. Contrails generally dissipate rather quickly, but not all lingering trails are chem trails. There are quite a few cloud seeding companies on the net. It's unfortunate some of them use the cheaper aluminum instead of silver which is less harmful to the environment. Here's one of the companies.