what ingrediants are in ph up/down? how hard isit to get exact ph levels in nutewater


Illegal Smile

First, DON'T try to get exact pH levels! pH will move in a natural swing and your goal is just to keep it within that range, like 5.5 to 6.5. Trying to keep it exactly at 5.8 is impossible and all the adjusting you do will actually make the swings wilder in addition to being bad for the plants. Check pH once a day, twice at the most. Make adjustments in small increments of .5


Well-Known Member
There are different products out there. Some are nitric acid and some are phosphoric acid or even citric acid. Ph down is usually potassium hydroxide.
i had read that about ph up(i think you meant), potassium hydroxide may not be the best for organic grows, potassium hydroxide kills bacteria
use wood ash myself for raising ph, little goes a long ways


Well-Known Member
i had read that about ph up(i think you meant), potassium hydroxide may not be the best for organic grows, potassium hydroxide kills bacteria
use wood ash myself for raising ph, little goes a long ways
You are right. My bad.


Well-Known Member
i want to correct the ph in my fox farmed water. its a soil grow. im gonna get the ph stick tester and everything. tips on this??????
i think i saw strips in lowes that do ph and ppm of many nutes such as nitrogen, phosphorus,... - looked to be the same price as plain ph test strips, $5


New Member
whatever dont worry about it. its just a hard topic to get accurate info about. its a foxfarm soil and nutes op. somebody must be familiar with adjusting the nuted waters ph?